Maddis is retiring. OMG!


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Mattis is retiring. OMG!

After announcing that he wasn't going anywhere (likely for fear of what might happen if he did), it is now being reported that Mattis is retiring. Geez, can this administration get any more screwed up?
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After announcing that he wasn't going anywhere (likely for fear of what might happen if he did), it is now being reported that Maddis is retiring. Geez, can this administration get any more screwed up?

Yeah.. He's fed up to his eyeballs with Trump and OPPOSED the pull-out from Syria.
I agree. Syria was likely the straw that broke the camels back. His resignation letter is really a nicely written protest of Trump's military policies.
When your president ignores your expert advice to garner praise from a Russian dick-tator, it is defiantly time to go.
You don't get a quiet day with Trump. there is always something stupid or dangerous he is doing. Mattis was supposed to be the adult and he gave up. Tillerson was another who could actually think. We are back to the shut down again. There has never been an administration like this. Mattis was disgusted with Trumps embrace of despots like Putin.He was upset with how he treats our allies.