APP - Made up Quotations


What does it say about people who use quotes that are fictional? Can we then extrapolate that some people deal in propaganda rather than facts? Who makes up these false quotations and why? Obviously the quotations provide support for political and societal positions, but when the quotations are false what does that say about the content of the idea and the knowledge of the user? I often use quotations and try to reference the source. On occasion I have had to qualify a quote with secondary sources. I'll add additional source near the bottom of this thread for reference purposes.

The made up quotations are from 'I Love America' and are in link below.

Detailed information on quotations is below.

Top five fake GW quotes.

'This year will go down in history. For the first time a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!'
— Adolf Hitler, 1935

"This quote actually has quite a history, appearing over 100 times, in various forms, in different print sources. Its message is not subtle: gun registration leads to gun confiscation which leads to Auschwitz. And in case you weren’t clear about the connection between Nazis and contemporary gun control advocates, the last sentence spells it out: people in “the future” (i.e., the present) who advocate registration are literally “following Hitler’s lead.” That sound you hear is civilization being throttled by the hands of limousine liberal legislators.

Only two problems: one, there’s not a shred of historical evidence that Hitler ever said this, and two, it wouldn’t have made any sense even if he had."

Another site to check is:

"Quotes are the mental furniture of my life. From certain angles my inner landscape resembles a gallery hung with half-recalled citations, the rags and tag-ends of a lifetime of reading and listening." Geoffrey O’Brien
One has to realize when dealing with partisan ideologues, truth is irrelevant. Posting made up historical quotations is not about honesty or accuracy, it is about the person's world view. Consider also why is it necessary that made up words are attribute to America's founders? If it is simply to rewrite history in their image is it not a sign of dishonesty and weakness.