Mafia Dons Can Take Lessons From Democrats


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China Joe applauded Willie Sutton

President Joe Biden praised Dr. Anthony Fauci on Thursday as he addressed the nation on the fight against the coronavirus pandemic from the White House.

Joe Biden: Dr. Fauci Is ‘One of the Most Distinguished and Trusted Voices’
by Kyle Morris
15 Mar 2021

Upchuck holds down productive Americans so alternative energy companies can gang rape taxpayers.

Schumer: Haaland Will ‘Stop the Rape of our Great Federal Lands by the Oil Companies’
by Ian Hanchett
15 Mar 2021

Democrat Pelosi gets the Chutzpah Award for this one since she did more to bring in illegal aliens than LBJ, and the late Senator Ted Kennedy (1932 - 2009) did in 1965:

Pelosi blames border crisis on Biden inheriting ‘broken system’ from Trump
By Mark Moore
March 14, 2021

Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein led the charge against the Second Amendment. A lot is said about keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, but I could not find a word about the reason there is a constitutional Right to bear arms —— ALWAYS BE PREPARED TO STANDUP TO OPPRESSIVE GOVERNMENT TYRANNY.

Senate Democrats propose assault weapons ban after House passes gun control legislation
by Carly Roman
March 12, 2021
03:23 PM

Failed presidential candidate, Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren, is still in the Senate despite this gem she lifted from Obama:

Warren’s Obama Moment: “You Didn’t Build That”
Posted by Ryan James
Sep 4, 2019

Oregon’s Democrat senators will hand out trillions to every living black man, every black woman, and every black child born can collect forever. Oregon’s politicians will ultimately get the reparations money from federal taxpayers.

Dem Oregon state senators introduce bill to pay black people $123,000 in reparations
By WND News Services
By Cassandra Fairbanks
Published March 12, 2021 at 1:30pm

Finally, I now understand why Black Lives Matter —— black Americans vote for the Democrat by more than 90 percent in every election.

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The Democracy PAC, a super PAC created by Soros to fund left-wing groups working to defeat Republicans, has poured $68.5 million into electoral efforts this cycle, according to the Federal Election Commission. That sum is $46 million more than Soros's previous high of $22 million, which came during the last presidential cycle.

The billionaire has amplified his election spending as deep-pocketed donors attempt to oust Trump from office and flip control of the Senate to Democrats. Soros's cash is part of a spending blitz that has primarily benefited Joe Biden.

Soros Triples Election Spending, Pouring $70 Million Into 2020 Efforts
Joe Schoffstall
October 15, 2020 11:30 AM

Finally, I now understand why Black Lives Matter —— black Americans vote for the Democrat by more than 90 percent in every election.

Considering everything Soros did to steal elections for Democrats, I now wonder how many Americans give a rat’s ass about Black Lives Matter?

Voters chose to listen to the BLM/Soros/Netflix propaganda and made a deal with the devil by electing Gascon. But the phone call points to something potentially different.

Jalihouse Call May Reveal Why Soros DA Dropped Charges Against BLM Train Derailers
Thu Mar 18, 2021
Daniel Greenfield
Finally, I now understand why Black Lives Matter —— black Americans vote for the Democrat by more than 90 percent in every election.

The game is afoot:

On U.S. soil, the Chinese mocked U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.

“Many people within the United States actually have little confidence in the democracy of the United States,” top Chinese diplomat Yang Jiechi told the Biden administration, citing the Black Lives Matter movement.

The Biden administration was thoroughly embarrassed and unprepared in their first diplomatic meeting with the Chinese delegation yesterday.

The Chinese brazenly violated protocol for their 2-minute openings, each extending their comments beyond the given time. Mr. Yang spoke for 16 minutes.

Instead of refuting the comments outright – and turning the tables on China, condemning them for the mass surveillance, internment, killing of Uyghurs – Mr. Sullivan seemed to dignify the Chinese criticisms.

“What we’ve done throughout our history is to confront,” race issues transparently, “not trying to pretend they don’t exist,” Mr. Sullivan retorted. “The secret sauce of America,” is its ability to look hard at its own shortcomings and seek to improve, he added.

This was an incredibly weak and feckless response.

There is absolutely no cultural equivalence between the civil unrest within the United States and China’s outright human-rights atrocities. The Chinese are literally rounding up ethnic minorities and killing them in concentration camps.

The good part is that the Chicoms did this country a favor when they gloomed onto Obama’s Spiritual Leader scam. The bad part is that Democrats are not smart enough to win at the game they invented.

Yet, the Chinese spoke to the U.S. as if they were the moral authority – and dominant world leader – in front of the press, for all of the world to see, and on U.S. soil.

“So, let me say here that, in front of the Chinese side, the United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength,” Mr. Yang said. “The U.S. side was not even qualified to say such things even 20 years or 30 years back,

Thank you Mr. Yang.

because this is not the way to deal with the Chinese people.”

Moral horseshit “. . . is not the way to deal with the Chinese people.”

NOTE: Democrats began trying to legislate love the day the United Nations opened for business. In those 76 years Democrats never learned that they cannot defend this country by dropping leaflets containing moral platitudes like little fortune cookies. Every one of our enemies got so good at playing the game they are dropping moral platitudes on the U.S. on every issue —— until they are ready to drop bombs.

In case you live on another planet, every point China scores is compliments of the U.N.’s favorite president and first fullblown Spiritual Leader —— the Chicago sewer rat.

While the U.S. spoke in diplomatic platitudes, the Chinese were direct and confrontational.

Mr. Blinken spoke of a “rules-based international order,” and Mr. Sullivan pointed out the U.S. does “not seek conflict, but we welcome stiff competition, and we will always stand up for our principles, for our people, and for our friends.”

Mr. Blinken offered veiled threats and warnings, saying the U.S. had “deep concerns with actions by China, including in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, cyber-attacks on the United States, and economic coercion toward our allies,” which threaten the “rules-based order that maintains global stability.”

But nothing hard-hitting, or as aggressive as the Chinese, especially when it came to Black Lives Matter. The Chinese intentionally used the BLM movement to hamstring the new Biden administration and exploit our internal division on the world stage.

“There is an external threat – China and its junior partner Russia, and an internal threat – the divisive ideology of critical theory manifested in identity politics,” Rebeccah Heinrichs, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute tweeted of the full exchange. “It is corrosive, anti-American, and saps Americans’ will to fight; and the CCP is openly trying to exploit it.”

Instead of sitting there and taking it, the U.S. would’ve been better served walking away from the table.

As former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted: “Strength deters bad guys. Weakness begets war.”

Democrats love U.N. wars like Korea and Vietnam, while they oppose wars Americans might win!

China uses Black Lives Matter to embarrass Biden Administration
By Kelly Sadler
Friday, March 19, 2021
“. . . the City Council voted to invest $36,000 in an effort to keep the mural, . . .”

Mural is hardly the right definition. Eyesores like this should be treated like graffiti:

. . . how many Americans give a rat’s ass about Black Lives Matter?

Now if only a tribute to real violence & hatred could be paved over with black road tar:

The tribute was created with paint that cannot be painted over, so the city will have to repave that section completely. On Wednesday, the City Council voted to invest $36,000 in an effort to keep the mural, but make it more unobtrusive, and shift its lettering away from the lane dividers it currently obscures.

Atlantic City to Spend $36,000 to Repaint BLM Street Tribute After Driver Confusion
by Nate Church
26 Mar 2021

My father toured Europe for a month with a group of kids.
Do I like it? Yes I like it. I'm just not interested.
I stayed home and played soccer in the street with the kids.


Democrats began trying to legislate love the day the United Nations opened for business.

Communists are screwed when their judges cannot legislate love.
This guy did not bother with legislation —— he took it up himself to legislate decency:

Roselle Park has voluntarily dropped its efforts to get two suburban women to remove anti-President Joe Biden signage from their front yard for including expletives, after the New Jersey chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) announced they would represent the pair, reported.

Homeowner Patricia Dilascio was ordered by Roselle Park Municipal Court Judge Gary Bundy to take down anti-Biden signs she had put up with her daughter, Andrea Dick, for violating a borough ordinance prohibiting obscenities, according to NJ Advance Media.

The signs include lines like “F*** Biden and f*** you for voting for him” and “F*** Biden, not my president,” Law & Crime reported. They faced fines of $250 per day for not taking them down.

“It’s a relief,” Dick told Tuesday morning. “My mother too, we both feel so relieved. I’m just happy this [is] all over.”

The local ordinance prohibits “any obscene material, communication or performance or other article or item which is obscene within the borough.” The pair were represented by ACLU attorney Alexander Shalom, who appealed to the Superior Court in Union County, NJ Advance Media reported.

“The First Amendment exists specifically to make sure people can express strong opinions on political issues – or any other matter – without fear of punishment by the government,” ACLU of NJ Executive Director Amol Sinha said in a statement after the reversal.

“Today’s decision confirms that our position was correct: Roselle Park had no grounds to issue fines for a political sign and the town’s use of its obscenity ordinance infringed upon fundamental rights protected by the First Amendment,” she wrote.

Roselle Park Mayor Joseph Signorello said the primary concern with the expletives was that they were near an elementary school, reported.

“At the end of the day you can’t legislate decency,” Signorello told

Whatever happened to judges punishing Americans after they are charged with a crime and found guilty based on evidence instead of guilty for not believing whatever the judge believes? It seems that every political activist can punish without benefit of a trial.

Alas, every dirty little moralist goes into government these days instead preaching their political garbage in a real church. No surprise there. Tax dollars pay more for garbage than does:

“Cost is definitely a factor here and that can’t be denied.”

By WND News Services
Published July 28, 2021 at 1:13pm

p.s. I wonder what the judge teaches his flock?