MAGAts sez wut?

You Stalinists are sitting and crying...
Frankly I don't care if Trump's policies turn out to be completely ineffective.

I'm getting vast amounts of pleasure seeing these total losers watch their ideas and priorities get flushed down the shitter.

On the other hand there is nothing Trump can do that won't look like a shining city on the hill compared to what we just lived through.

It's fucking glorious and I thank god I lived to see it.

And it's only getting started! ;)
Frankly I don't care if Trump's policies turn out to be completely ineffective.

I'm getting vast amounts of pleasure seeing these total losers watch their ideas and priorities get flushed down the shitter.

On the other hand there is nothing Trump can do that won't look like a shining city on the hill compared to what we just lived through.

It's fucking glorious and I thank god I lived to see it.

And it's only getting started! ;)
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If you win by 1 run or 100 runs, it's still a win. The score doesn't matter.
And winning counts. You lost. Get over it and accept it.

What the Stalinists can't come to grips with - 302 to 226 - MASSIVE landslide. Trump utterly destroyed them. Now he is taking apart the corruption they exist on.