Main Street Media Join Dems in Fight Against Gas Stoves


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The liberal media's attempt to push a ban on gas stoves is a classic example of government overreach and Democrats trying to control what we do in our own homes. NBC's Today show lobbed a huge attack at our freedom of choice in how we cook our food, pushing a debunked study that purportedly linked gas stoves to asthma and lobbying heavily for people to buy induction stoves. Newsletter 1&utm_medium=email&utm_conte

It wasn't that long ago that the Dems wanted to control the way we set our home thermostats--all in the name of climate change and the NEW GREEN DEAL's attempt to control our personal lives to suit their destructive ideological base. :palm:
"Libhater" is so offended by the right wing joke that gas stoves have been banned, he is crying about it.