Maine Gov: wind turbine uses “a little electric motor”


red panda
Bangor Daily News:

LePage Spins Windmill Conspiracy Theory
Posted on April 18, 2013 by Mike Tipping

Governor LePage has a habit of using false anecdotes to back up his policy positions. It started during his campaign and has continued throughout his time in office. He routinely makes up regulations that don’t exist, conversations that never happened and discriminatory practices that have never occurred. LePage has repeated some of these claims even after they have been proven to be false.

What these lies have in common is that they all seem designed to highlight some extreme example of what LePage sees as wrong with the world and justify his policy prescriptions. If any of them were true, they would be very compelling.

LePage added a new false anecdote to his repertoire on Tuesday as he spoke to the Skowhegan Area Chamber of Commerce. At the end of long rant against the wind power industry, filled with claims that the renewable resource doesn’t create jobs and leads to higher electricity rates, LePage took aim at one wind turbine in particular.

“Now, to add insult to injury, The University of Maine, Presque Isle – anybody here been up there to see that damn windmill in the back yard? Guess what, if it’s not blowing wind outside and they have somebody visiting the campus, they have a little electric motor that turns the blades. I’m serious. They have an electric motor so that they can show people wind power works. Unbelievable. And that’s the government that you have here in the state of Maine,” said LePage.​

Do the citizens of Maine regret electing this Tea Party lunatic?!?
Even though I am an expatriate living in Mexico, I am still legally registered to vote in Maine by absentee ballot. Two of my three children still live in Maine. None of us voted for that moron the FIRST time around when he won a three way contest with only a plurality of the vote, not a majority. Most all of my friends and acquaintances, and, according to my children there, all of THEIR friends and acquaintances there who voted for LePage or Cutler the last time will vote for the democrat this time to make sure that LePage is a one term governor.
He's wrong, it not a little motor. They actually have a huge electric motor they use to spin the blades when there's little or no wind. They use the generator itself as a motor. After all, basically the only difference between a generator and a motor is the way it's wired up to the circuit.
He's wrong, it not a little motor. They actually have a huge electric motor they use to spin the blades when there's little or no wind. They use the generator itself as a motor. After all, basically the only difference between a generator and a motor is the way it's wired up to the circuit.


I'm not interested in a simplistic video made for early elementary school students. What's the point of posting that?
Clustered together, driving right through the turbines, tall, whirling propellers, or so it seemed. The ones in Alaska and Kansas were further away when I saw them.

Well, DUH!!!

Long Beach is around 1,000 miles from Kansas and at least twice as far from Alaska.
I'm am astonished by your eye sight though.