Maineman re: Bet


on indefiniate mod break
Don't get me wrong, I will still pay up if you say no to my following proposition, I'm not dixie that just welches.

Buuuuuut I was wondering if maybe I could just buy you out right now.. for sayyy 25 dollars? :)

I think I still have a chance of winning but I don't want to take the chance anymore of losing 100.

The 25 is guaranteed and can be sent tomorrow.

Think about it :)
MM: Be a true Liberal, and cut somebody of lesser means - a college kid in this case - some slack. God knows a conservative wouldn't cut someone of lesser means any slack.

$100 bucks is a lot for a college kid

I ain't my business ;)
Grind, send me $40. Maine, if you lose, you only owe me $75, and if you win, I'll send you $90. Deal?
That's too confusing, just send me any amount for whatever.

I'm risking $50 to win $115, and hedging both player's bets at the same time. Eveyone makes out allright. Sometimes you need the bookmaker to facilitate the bet and reduce risk to the players.
Grind, send me $40. Maine, if you lose, you only owe me $75, and if you win, I'll send you $90. Deal?

post-Foley, that would be like taking candy from a baby

You are aware, are you not, that the $100 bet is that democrats will realize a net gain of at least ONE seat in both house and senate?
post-Foley, that would be like taking candy from a baby

You are aware, are you not, that the $100 bet is that democrats will realize a net gain of at least ONE seat in both house and senate?

Good Lord. Never mind. I'm a gamblin man by nature, but I isn't stupid.
Beefy.... then you'll understand why I just LOVE it that Dixie has made that very bet with me....

but we all know that he'll renege. It'll be a cold day in Hell before Dixie ever shows the honor necessary to honor his gambling debts.