Major Democratic Donors Devise Plans to Pressure Biden to Step Aside


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After several days of quiet griping and hoping that President Joe Biden would abandon his reelection campaign on his own, many wealthy Democratic donors are trying to take matters into their own hands.

Wielding their fortunes as both carrot and stick, donors have undertaken a number of initiatives to pressure Biden to step down from the top of the ticket and help lay the groundwork for an alternate candidate.

The efforts — some coordinated, some conflicting and others still nascent — expose a remarkable and growing rift between the party’s contributor class and its standard-bearer that could have an impact on downballot races, whether or not the donors influence Biden’s decision.

The president on Wednesday reaffirmed his commitment to stay in the race amid criticism of his weak debate performance last week. But that has not placated donors or strategists who worry that he cannot win in November.

A group of them is working to raise as much as $100 million for a sort of escrow fund, called the Next Generation PAC, that would be used to support a replacement candidate. If Biden does not step aside, the money could be used to help downballot candidates, according to people close to the effort.

Supporters of potential replacements like Vice President Kamala Harris are jockeying to position their preferred successor. Other donors are threatening to withhold contributions not only from Biden but also from other Democratic groups unless Biden bows out.

There is a separate movement to steer money to candidates for lower offices. And financial supporters are urging elected officials at all levels to publicly pressure Biden to withdraw, signaling support for those who follow through. Some major donors like Reed Hastings have gone public with calls for Biden to stand down.

Gideon Stein, a donor and operative with deep connections in Democratic politics, said his family was withholding $3.5 million in planned donations to nonprofits and political organizations active in the presidential race unless Biden stepped aside. He said that virtually every major donor he had spoken with believed that “a new ticket is in the best interest of defeating Donald Trump.”

Abigail E. Disney, a filmmaker who is an heir to the Disney fortune, said in an email exchange that Biden’s campaign and committees supporting it — including the Democratic National Committee, super political action committees and nonprofit groups — “will not receive another dime from me until they bite the bullet and replace Biden at the top of the ticket.”

Disney, who has been a major Democratic donor, added, “Biden is a good man who has served his country well, but the stakes are far too high to allow timidity to determine our course of action.”

Damon Lindelof, a Hollywood producer who has donated more than $115,000 to Democrats this election cycle and who attended Biden’s fundraiser in Hollywood last month, published an essay in Deadline urging what he called a “DEMbargo” of Biden and other Democratic candidates until or unless Biden stands down. Lindelof said in a text message exchange, “No one is eager to donate to anyone until the proverbial dust settles.”

The financial pressure campaign comes as Biden and his team have sought to reassure Democratic donors and officials that he is up to the task, privately telling key allies that he knows the coming days are crucial and acknowledging that he may not be able to salvage his candidacy.

If Biden forges ahead, it could set up a dramatic impasse with a major donor base at the moment it is most needed: when the race enters its heavy-spending homestretch. While Biden narrowly outraised Donald Trump last month, it is not clear if he erased the financial advantage that Trump and his party held over Biden and his party at the beginning of June.

A surge in donations to Biden’s campaign after the debate was powered mostly by online donations, which tend to come from smaller donors, though he also attended a handful of preplanned fundraising receptions with major donors.

And not all big donors are jumping ship. Some of the ticket’s wealthy backers, even those who want a different candidate, said they were still writing checks, if begrudgingly.

Still, some Democrats are concerned about the rate of big-money fundraising. No fundraisers feature Biden until a Denver event at the end of the month, according to a recent list of events distributed to major Biden donors, although more may be added.

But many big donors are seeking a way to move on and build a financial infrastructure for a post-Biden campaign.

Thanks for helping Trump.
You do know, if Biden refuses to step aside and he loses badly to Trump and other democrats lose down ballot too, Biden name and his legacy will be shit! They will blame Biden for King Trump and two more supreme court justices and a further erosion of our freedoms and rights too?!! How do you explain that Biden's debate performance? I believe we are talking about a condition Biden has?!!

You do know, if Biden refuses to step aside and he loses badly to Trump and other democrats lose down ballot too, Biden name and his legacy will be shit! They will blame Biden for King Trump and two more supreme court justices and a further erosion of our freedoms and rights too?!! How do you explain that Biden's debate performance? I believe we are talking about a condition Biden has?!!

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He doesn't know.
I watched the CNN hosts talking post debate.

They were all saying they got texts from their "handlers" (donors). And in almost unison, they all changed their tune and said Biden has to go.

And all other boomer white lib media talking heads switched, too. With a few exceptions, like Mika.