Major US Ally under assualt by terrorists harbored in a foreign country


Will work for Scooby snacks
A major US ally is under continual assualt by guerilla terrorists, operating out of bases in a bordering, neighbor country.

Does this Ally have the right to attack or invade the sovereignty of the neighboring country, to repel the terrorists harbored there? Keeping in mind the Bush adminstration support for Israel attacking neighboring Lebanon for harboring Hezbollah guerillas....

What's your gut level reaction?

Then read on for details....

Turkey under Assualt by PKK guerillas based in northern Iraqi Kurdistan

It should be remembered that leftist PKK guerrillas are thought to be responsible for the deaths of 35,000 persons in Turkey since 1984.

In other words, PKK has done 10 times more damage to Turkey than al-Qaeda has done to the United States. And, that is not even taking into account that Turkey is a fourth the size of the US, so you could say 40 times more. In the piece just linked, F. Stephen Larrabee estimates that "Since January 2006, PKK cross-border raids from safe havens in northern Iraq have led to roughly 600 deaths, many of them members of the Turkish security forces."
I'd say that is their right. National defense is a right of any nation. Obviously negotiations should be made with the harboring nation but if they fail than operations against those terrorists may be necessary.
I'd say that is their right. National defense is a right of any nation. Obviously negotiations should be made with the harboring nation but if they fail than operations against those terrorists may be necessary.

Well said.

I think we can safely say that the Bush adminstration (and admittedly, probably almost all Democrats), will have two different standards: One for Israel and Lebanon/Hezbollah -- and a different standard for Turkey and Iraq/PKK.
Well said.

I think we can safely say that the Bush adminstration (and admittedly, probably almost all Democrats), will have two different standards: One for Israel and Lebanon/Hezbollah -- and a different standard for Turkey and Iraq/PKK.
I think you have made a rather strange connection ---Putting Lebanin/Hehallah in the same catogory as Israel. Are you sure you meant that???
Apparently, the standard the Bush adminstration holds the Lebanese central government in Beirut to, is that they should be able to control or constrain Hezbollah aggressions on Israel.

Evidently, no such standard applys to the US military or the Kurdish authorities, with respect to PPK attacks into Turkey.
Apparently, the standard the Bush adminstration holds the Lebanese central government in Beirut to, is that they should be able to control or constrain Hezbollah aggressions on Israel.

Evidently, no such standard applys to the US military or the Kurdish authorities, with respect to PPK attacks into Turkey.
I still don't get your point. or how it corelates.