APP - Majority of real Americans support citizen question on Census

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

All real Americans support common sense immigration laws. There is nothing wrong with asking a citizenship question. I was right when I said that Roberts would be the traitor of the Supreme Court when Kennedy retired.

Now not only do I need Ginsberg to die. I need Roberts to die in a horrific fashion. Maybe he will get struck by lightning or hit by a car or have a massive heart attach.
this always happens. He's the new souter.

It does boggle the mind how this always happens to the right and never to the left. Can you name one Justice nominated by a democrat in the last 50 years that sold the left out on a major policy decision?

We have had to endure O'Connor, Souter, Kennedy and now Roberts
It does boggle the mind how this always happens to the right and never to the left. Can you name one Justice nominated by a democrat in the last 50 years that sold the left out on a major policy decision?

We have had to endure O'Connor, Souter, Kennedy and now Roberts

the GOPe sellouts can't betray us all at once. it's like the frog in a boiling pot. they always throw us a bone but hit the brakes with appointing a judge that likes the cocktail circuit in d.c.

It's made me realize that even my "support republicans at least for judges" is very thin reasoning. Someone like mccain would have given us shit tier judges. same with romney too. trump i think has made two solid choices so far.
the GOPe sellouts can't betray us all at once. it's like the frog in a boiling pot. they always throw us a bone but hit the brakes with appointing a judge that likes the cocktail circuit in d.c.

It's made me realize that even my "support republicans at least for judges" is very thin reasoning. Someone like mccain would have given us shit tier judges. same with romney too. trump i think has made two solid choices so far.

I couldn’t agree more. As I have stated before, McCain and Romney are why we have President Trump. And from where I sit, Sarah Palin will end up going down as the catalyst for the conservative awakening. She needs to run for Senate against Murkowski

This doesn’t end when Trump leaves in 2024. Then we need to put Desantis in the Oval Office until Don Jr is ready
so all 'real' Americans are either ignorant of, or apathetic of, the constitutional rights protected by the 5th Amendment?

Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

so all 'real' Americans are either ignorant of, or apathetic of, the constitutional rights protected by the 5th Amendment?

Not sure how the 5th Amendment applies to a citizenship question on the Census form, but I am all a dither waiting for you to explain it
Haynes v US extended 5th Amendment protections of self incrimination so that those who are, or might be, in violation of the law do not have to answer questions that would implicate or incriminate them in a crime.
Haynes v US extended 5th Amendment protections of self incrimination so that those who are, or might be, in violation of the law do not have to answer questions that would implicate or incriminate them in a crime.

So the census question incriminates illegal aliens who broke our laws? Interesting