An interesting catch phrase or words so coded its meaning is lost on most? When was or wasn't America great? Doesn't that depends on who is making the call. How did an outsider, a person who goes against every policy republicans promote become their candidate of choice. How? The answer is simple, the Republicans created Donald Trump.
You ask how? Why is the complex part. It started long ago, but we can date its real growth with Ronald Reagan, government isn't the solution it is the problem. Add ingredients galore: victimisation, xenophobia, nationalism, misogyny, lost freedoms, demography, corporatism, and the old favorite, racism and the brew is prepared. Something for everyone, add terrorism and immigrants as an update. Don't want to miss anyone. Watch the crowd at a Trump rally, listen to their cheers and their questions. If you want to understand, know a person's hatreds, it is there you'll find the hows.
But why you ask, why make the grand old party the crazy place. Crazy is un-American right? It was an accident, but one easy to understand. Recall all the cliches on foes, on enemies, blame, question their Americanism, question their identity, point fingers at them, it's them who took our jobs, it's them who took our greatness. They don't understand, they only want, they look to government, they don't belong. 'They' can be anyone from the welfare recipient to the corporate donors*. Do all this and some will believe and some will seek a savior. The narrative was set, along came the answer.
* This sentiment is strong among democrats too as Wall Street bashing shows. "It is an indication of a country’s institutional corruption when inside a main party the only alternative to the prevailing crony capitalism is a tycoon with a long history of shady deals."
You ask how? Why is the complex part. It started long ago, but we can date its real growth with Ronald Reagan, government isn't the solution it is the problem. Add ingredients galore: victimisation, xenophobia, nationalism, misogyny, lost freedoms, demography, corporatism, and the old favorite, racism and the brew is prepared. Something for everyone, add terrorism and immigrants as an update. Don't want to miss anyone. Watch the crowd at a Trump rally, listen to their cheers and their questions. If you want to understand, know a person's hatreds, it is there you'll find the hows.
But why you ask, why make the grand old party the crazy place. Crazy is un-American right? It was an accident, but one easy to understand. Recall all the cliches on foes, on enemies, blame, question their Americanism, question their identity, point fingers at them, it's them who took our jobs, it's them who took our greatness. They don't understand, they only want, they look to government, they don't belong. 'They' can be anyone from the welfare recipient to the corporate donors*. Do all this and some will believe and some will seek a savior. The narrative was set, along came the answer.
* This sentiment is strong among democrats too as Wall Street bashing shows. "It is an indication of a country’s institutional corruption when inside a main party the only alternative to the prevailing crony capitalism is a tycoon with a long history of shady deals."