Making criminals out of Canadian Citizens, The Larger Picture, Epic Proportion

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
The reason that the factually proven foundation of lies that Canada bill C-16 (and Ontario bill 89 for that matter) was formulated over, was so they could obviously make criminals out of Canadians for Canadians not willing to lie for the LGBT in that bill called bill C-16 which attempts to dictate to Canadians that Canadians have to lie for LGBT liars. Officials do this while they also invite illegal invasion thus further deliberately endangering the lives of Canadians by also welcoming muslim invasion while silencing the media from releasing details on violent hate crimes against Canadian citizens while also enslaving Canadian's to pay their hotel bills while many Canadian citizens remain homeless, billions go over seas to fund other countries and such things as Canadian pensions are paying for it while an "illegal invasion" continues and Canada at alarming speed plunges deeper into what they call deficit.

Then as a Canadian citizen, they then attempt to dictate Canadian citizens are the one's committing a hate crime for speaking out against such sick behavior exemplified by our parliaments / legislative assemblies, for them taking such actions as creating legislating attempting to dictate that Canadians have to lie or be made criminal for not lying so Canadians can be robbed of being what we are by those who do not want to accept themselves for what they are, for flooding the country with invasions that put citizens well being and safety under threat, for keeping key information out of the media such as when an illegal invaders commit violent hate crimes against Canadian citizens to keep citizens unaware as much as possible as they continue to betray the citizens of Canada with the flooding of such invasions and using hundreds of millions in tax payers dollars funding media to hush on sharing key information with the public to keep the public unaware of serious threats to the lives of Canadian citizens and tax payers are the slaves who are made to pay for this outrage!

This is insane, this is infuriating, this is what is extremely offensive.

Tyrants and traitors are assisting lobbyists / the globalist crime organization with robbing you blind Canada while dividing you with lies so they can even make criminals out of you for not stooping to their level by lying for them and they are dong this to conquer you like a bunch of dummies. Like I have shared on previous occasions, I see it is obvious that they are using silencing the public tactics so they can turn around and start claiming that no one opposes them thus enter Canada under full dictatorship before too long from now if you do not wake up soon and take action Canada. At no point in time did the majority of Canadian citizens ever approve of such invasions or legislation being created to attempt to force Canadians to have to lie for a bunch of bigots who do not even want to accept themselves for what they are so they can go around robbing everyone else of what we are. Lobbyist and, or globalist crime organization dictatorship is not a democracy, what the majority of Canadians demand is the foundation of a democracy which has quite obviously been infiltrated and sabotaged. What the citizens of Canada are facing right now genuinely is tyranny and treason buried behind a slew of lies and deceptions along with legislation created to protect tyrants and traitors getting away with tyranny and treason while even attempting to make criminals out of Canadians for speaking against such infuriatingly sick behavior so called Canadian officials exemplify. This is injustice. Political parties are corrupt, they steal the loyalty of Canada officials from citizens and place officials loyalty with the party instead, and parties interests have revealed to be that of lobbyist and or globalist crime organization dictatorship which is quite obviously not what the majority of Canadian citizens wants thus is proof of tyranny and treason because again dictatorship is not a democracy. Since the citizens of Canada's majority's will is the foundation of democracy with our officials suppose to be our public servants, makes what government / parliaments / legislative assemblies do treason against the citizens of the democracy within the country of Canada of which our democracy is being infiltrated and sabotaged by tyrants and traitors forcing the dictatorship of lobbyists and, or the globalist crime organization.

The LGBT themselves always have been the only bigots here because of the fact it is the LGBT quite obviously whom are those who do not want to accept themselves for what they themselves factually are. So what did they do, they forced LGBT lies through legislation which again attempts to dictate to Canadians that Canadians have to stoop to the LGBT's level and have to lie for liars known as the LGBT (It's like if the religious forced lies through legislation attempting to dictate everyone has to lie for that religion or face blasphemy charges, it's like a group of murderers creating legislation to allow them to get away with murder and make you out to be the criminal by accusing you of being a hater for speaking against their sick murderous behavior), so that the LGBT who do not even want to accept themselves for what they are can go around pretending to be what they are not and will never be so thy can go around degrading, humiliating and traumatizing Canadian citizens while robbing Canadian citizens of what we are. Why help a small group of delusional mental basket cases to accept themselves for what they are when you can encourage them to pretend to be what thy are not so they can go around deliberately ruining many other lives with their sick and disgusting behavior = war and divide assisting divide and conquer. Being heterosexual male for example doesn't include having sex with anyone born with a penis let alone some homosexual (those who have sex with those born with the same sex genital that the individual them self is born with) male (born with a penis), pretending to be something he is not so he can go around humiliating, traumatizing and degrading heterosexual males of the right freedom and liberty to be heterosexual while Canadian officials create legislation attempting to dictate Canadians should have to stoop as low as the LGBT by lying for them so they they can go around robbing everyone else of our right, freedom and liberty to be who we are. That's the LGB for you, because they do not want to accept themselves for what they are, they use every sick and filthy lie and deception to try and drag everyone else down to their filthy level. I was born with a penis which is the only thing that makes any male a male and the LGBT knows this fact and what proves this fact is that LGBT claim to identify as the "genuine" thing which is them acknowledging that they are fully aware that the only thing that makes any female a female is being born with a vagina, and what makes any male a male is being born with a penis which is why they claim to "identify" as such because they are fully aware that they are not and never will be the genuine thing so the pass legislation to try and force their lies through Canadian citizens mouths while creating polices, legislation and slanderous threats to silence Canadians who are justly offending with their sick, infuriating and inexcusable behavior. The LGBT lies compulsively and obsessively and yet don't even have the brain power to understand that your identity is what you are, not what some bias group of obviously delusional, compulsive obsessive liars who don't even want to accept themselves for what they themselves are would rather you be.

I do not hate anyone or anything but that does mean that peoples actions do not disgust me, and that certainly doesn't mean that peoples ignorance doesn't infuriate me especially when it comes to the foundations of primary issues I address. I love and care about the life on this planet but that doesn't mean I have to like everyone.

To illegal invaders, you are being baited by the globalist organization using you as their expendable tool to crush Canada's economy, while assisting with more anxiety among citizens, deeper and more divides while placing Canadians families futures under threat with such a rapid influx of invaders that this country, if this keeps up for much longer, is way more than likely to be crippled while famine, divides and wars escalate while the country left exposed makes easy pickings for the globalist crime organization to come in and steal all of the resources while forcing oppression make making slaves out of a quickly dwindling population struggling to survive. If your children survive and want to eat, come such a day, they'l have to prostitute for the criminals who are baiting you to be their puppets by illegally invading as they use you in their attempting to steal it all away from us from right under our very noses in the now! Your children will have you to thank for it. You think that the country you fled from was bad, you are eagerly helping this to happen to Canada by illegally invading like an eager globalist crime organization puppet. You are humans yes, but not citizens and nor do illegal invaders deserve Canadian citizenship no matter what non prosecuted criminals and liars in office claim. Our liberal government deserves prison for this as do those within the globalist crime organization yet criminals continue to infiltrate hence why no justice for the citizens of Canada as of yet.

To muslim invaders, you too are being baited as expendable puppets of the globals crime organization. Canadians are increasingly becoming aware that every single muslim is the problem when it comes to islam because every single muslim is loyal to islam, islam deems violent hate crimes against non muslims as acceptable and these violent hate crimes against non muslims escalate everywhere in modern day around the world where muslim populations begin to rise. All muslims support the violent hate crimes against non muslims no matter if some don't commit the acts themselves because every single muslim are all sickly loyal to islam and islam deems violent hate crimes against non muslims as acceptable = no such thing as an islamaphobe because a very rational concern is not an irrational fear.

If muslims don't like being revealed for what muslims prove to be, then instead of making up pathetic, transparent slanderous lies about Canadians to try and keep getting away with your sick behavior, then muslims give yourself some dignity by throwing islam in the garbage where every religion belongs otherwise you deserve to be exposed by Canadians for what you all already prove to be for the well being and sanity of current and future of Canadian citizens (no matter how much you muslims lie)

Again, the non contestable factual evidence proving that there is no such thing as a god or what muslims call allah (the very foundation of some religions) is as follows in a nut shell and keep in mind proof that religious claim that the lie allah or the lie god is intelligent is that they are all foolish enough to worship or pray to a factually proven lie thus is them acknowledging they claim that factually proven lie is intelligent to be able to understand prayer or worship. The factual evidence quoted in a nut shell:

"Nothingness is the absence of energy and matter hence there is nothing. Energy and matter are both physical. If someone tells you that there is anything that exists beyond the physical realm, they are lying because the fact remains that without the physical there is nothing. Not anything can go poof into existence out of nothingness, let alone develop an intelligence out of nothing, let alone be able to create with nothing because the fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter which proves beyond any shadow of doubt that not anything with intelligence could ever be the creator of everything aka no such thing as a god ever existed."

All anyone obviously needs to do to prove what I share is not fact at all is simply share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness. We do no even have to get to the develop intelligence out of nothingness part because not anyone will ever share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness and I know this because the fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

As long as religion exists there will always be war and divide because that is where the following and spreading of lies leads as thousands of years already proves. Those who encourage religion obviously do not want anything to do with peace, they want to keep the masses dumb and gullible because it assures war and divide.

That same factual evidence proves that the big bang theory as proof of origin is falsified as revealed in the included video.

The invasions must stop even if that means shutting our borders down to any form of so called immigration until we can clean this mess up. We need to ban the compulsive obsessive lying and deceiving LGBT from Canada permanently and their slew of lies removed from legislation as well removed from any policy and school boards and Canada should be suing them for stealing from Canadians over abusing Canadians with factually proven foundations of LGBT lies and imprison all members of the LGBT organization (or whatever else they have named their organization likely in attempt to evade being held accountable over much deserved prosecution) in Canada, it's what they deserve. Democracy must be restored. Religion as well propagating any other factually proven foundation of lies needs to be criminalized because as thousands of years already proves, lies lead to war and divide. Political parties need to be dismantled so officials serve Canadian citizens instead of the interest of parties thus also remove control from the globalist crime organization. Colluding with the globalist crime organization infiltrated UN or EU needs to be criminalized, lobbying criminalized, as well forcing globalist crime organization dictatorship on Canadians needs to be criminalized and decades of their garbage removed from legislation etc.

Once all of that garbage is cleaned out of legislation etc. then we can begin with mandatory education of governing ways kindergarten throughout high school to assure Canadians are aware of the laws and governing we are all expected to abide by and pay for thus with people becoming aware of what the facts are instead of being bombarded with lies, we can begin to trust one another as we move towards unity. Instead of children's realities being the lies that abusers feed them, their realities will be the laws and governing we are all expected to abide by and pay for thus also a major reduction in bullying. Such will also assure our democracy will not be so easily sabotaged in the future. Sure there are other things that need be done but this composition is getting rather lengthy.

I'll leave you also with:

Perhaps you heard Canada was apparently acclaimed to have been given dominion by the monarchy yet officials still pledge allegiance to the crown ...?!

Now let's talk about our, the universes as well every-things factual origin. If you go into this thinking catalyst, you ought to be just fine. 4 minute 9 second video:


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Correction, I do not recollect how this happened but one paragraph turned out missing the "n't" in doesn't.

"I do not hate anyone or anything but that doesn't mean that peoples actions do not disgust me, and that certainly doesn't mean that peoples ignorance doesn't infuriate me especially when it comes to the foundations of primary issues I address. I love and care about the life on this planet but that doesn't mean I have to like everyone."