Mama Baksheesh’s Franchise


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There is nothing more effective than Democrats selling their treason than wailing about their concern for THE CHILDREN. Let a congressional committee ask a Democrat witness for the time of the day and they will answer THE CHILDREN regardless of the topic.

Democrats being Democrats will defend child abuse rather than stop it:

By Matthew Vadum
May 1, 2019

Rent-a-Child Services made me think it is a Mama Baksheesh franchise. I cannot remember whether she started her business in Bombay or Calcutta? No matter. Mama Baksheesh had one of the best charity hustles I ever came across. It is only logical that she sell franchises.

This is how it works. Mama would approach automobiles stalled in traffic and hold up an infant as she pleaded “Got no mama, got no papa. Baksheesh, baksheesh.”

Baksheesh means a gratuity; so I was never sure if the baby got the tip for being a baby!

NOTE: Old-timers told me the same Mama had been renting babies for decades.

After analyzing Matthew Vadum’s article I concluded that Democrats learned from Mama since they always demand baksheesh whenever they invoke THE CHILDREN?

There is no reason to take in illegal alien children for economic reason.

The poor are mostly centered in and around a country’s major city, or a few major cities in the case of larger countries. The population that is spread across every country may not be wearing designer jeans, but they do not go to bed hungry either —— contrary to what Democrats and U.N. parasites tell us.

I have been to more seaports in foreign countries than I can count; many are cities are in wealthy countries. Even those cities have a percentage of poor living in abject poverty.

Incidentally, nobody understood the poor better than Jerusalem Slim:

For you always have the poor with you, but you will not always have me.


Bernie Sanders is making sure Americans will always have the poor and him.

Poverty in poor cities coexists with shops of every kind, commercial buildings, private residences, etc. Third World cities are not much different American cities that are not doing well because of unrestricted immigration combined with outsourcing jobs to foreign countries thanks to Socialism’s inroads.

NOTE: The last time I was in Calcutta I could close my eyes and throw a rock in any direction and hit a jewelry shop. Calcutta was never a Mecca for tourists; so who in hell was buying all of that jewelry in a city that was known as a city steeped in poverty?

The thing to remember is that a long time ago Socialists/Communists planned equal distribution of poverty on a global scale. They well-knew the day would come when low income working Americans could no longer afford to buy the products the government IMPORTS even though those products were made by cheap labor in foreign countries. Once that happens Socialists can claim success for implementing equal distribution of poverty. Tens of millions of Americans will be reduced to the same living conditions one sees among the poorest in Third World countries.

Guessing which foreign country America will become used to be a popular parlor game among America-haters. A European country usually got the nod. That was understandable but incorrect.

Long before the ugly specter of multiculturalism raised its ugly head Americans still believed that their country would always remain the America they knew —— everybody believed it except me.

While in Calcutta fifty or so years ago I had a premonition that someday America would become India in that great poverty would permanently coexist with great wealth. Back then, approximately four percent of India’s population controlled the wealth, while it was one percent in America. I believe those numbers are still in effect.

India never had a private sector middle class to speak of, while America once had a vibrant private sector middle class that is systematically being eliminated by taxation. My point: When cheap labor and high prices combine with America’s vanishing private sector middle class it will not be long before the U.S. becomes India economically, culturally, and overcrowded.

Lest I be accused of immigrant-bashing let me point out that after many generations of immigrants from India coming to America they do not have the numbers, or the influence, required to bring about the cultural change of the magnitude I am indicating. Indeed, no single group of immigrants ever acquired that kind of clout when America was a melting pot. Monumental cultural change has to be rooted elsewhere.

I am suggesting that in addition to the government’s policy of cheap labor and high prices, a large unemployed pool of unskilled and semi-skilled labor is necessary to guarantee both cheap labor and great wealth.

Finally, “collectivist” ideology and moral claptrap tripled along with America’s population since the Great Depression. Democrats are still working to import millions of illegal aliens at the same time they murder millions of infants. Ask yourself why?