Mammoth hypocrisy exposed

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Another nasty conservative pol who has situational ethics regarding marriage and abortion.

"A text message sent in January to U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy by a woman with whom he had an extra-marital relationship took him to task for an anti-abortion statement posted on Facebook from his office's public account.

"And you have zero issue posting your pro-life stance all over the place when you had no issue asking me to abort our unborn child just last week when we thought that was one of the options," Shannon Edwards, a forensic psychologist in Pittsburgh with whom the congressman admitted last month to having a relationship, wrote to Mr. Murphy on Jan. 25, in the midst of an unfounded pregnancy scare.

A text from Mr. Murphy’s cell phone number that same day in response says, "I get what you say about my March for life messages. I've never written them. Staff does them. I read them and winced. I told staff don't write any more. I will."

The congressman has been lauded by the Family Research Council, for his stance on abortion, as well as for family values, generally. He also has been endorsed by LifePAC, which opposes abortion rights, and is a member of the House Pro-Life Caucus, an affiliation that is often cited by his office.

The text message exchange was included among a series of documents obtained by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette."

I must be missing the proof that Shannon Edwards is telling the truth about Rep. Murphy's alleged demand that she get an abortion.

Where is it?
I must be missing the proof that Shannon Edwards is telling the truth about Rep. Murphy's alleged demand that she get an abortion.

Where is it?

Why do you think she's lying and he's not?

"The text message exchange was included among a series of documents obtained by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette."
Why do you think she's lying and he's not?

"The text message exchange was included among a series of documents obtained by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette."

Did he deny saying it? All I see is her claim. With no corroboration, other than the Shittsburgh Yinzer-Gazette's cryptic claim.

Where's the proof?

Answer, Christiecrite.
Did he deny saying it? All I see is her claim. With no corroboration, other than the Shittsburgh Yinzer-Gazette's cryptic claim.

Where's the proof?

Answer, Christiecrite.

Of course he didn't deny it. And his office is ignoring all requests for comment.

He came clean about the affair after the P-G got the records from the woman's divorce case but for some reason he clammed up on the abortion business. Wonder why. </rhetorical>
Of course he didn't deny it. And his office is ignoring all requests for comment. He came clean about the affair after the P-G got the records from the woman's divorce case but for some reason he clammed up on the abortion business. Wonder why. </rhetorical>

So you confess that he didn't deny it, although just a few minutes ago you seemed to be claiming that he did?

Why do you think she's lying and he's not?

What do you think he's "lying about" if you think he "didn't deny it", Christiecrite?

Answer, Christiecrite.

Unless you can produce the evidence, what "abortion business" is there?

Answer, Christiecrite.
So you confess that he didn't deny it, although just a few minutes ago you seemed to be claiming that he did?

What do you think he's "lying about" if you think he "didn't deny it", Christiecrite?

Answer, Christiecrite.

Unless you can produce the evidence, what "abortion business" is there?

Answer, Christiecrite.

I don't think you know what you're trying to argue about.

Let's start here. You tried to claim the woman is lying about needing an abortion and that Murphy's demand that she do so is "alleged." My comment to you was "why do you need proof from the woman but not from Murphy?"

Answer. Now.
I don't think you know what you're trying to argue about. Let's start here. You tried to claim the woman is lying about needing an abortion and that Murphy's demand that she do so is "alleged." My comment to you was "why do you need proof from the woman but not from Murphy?"

Answer. Now.

I made no such claim, Ms. Deflection. I asked if there was proof of her claim.

I must be missing the proof that Shannon Edwards is telling the truth about Rep. Murphy's alleged demand that she get an abortion. Where is it?

What claim did Rep. Murphy make?

Answer, Christiecrite.
I can't stand these kind of conservatives. All holier than thou, until it comes to their lives.

But, it is not just conservatives who are like this, many people are. I've known one for many years and have had to cut relations with him because his rank hypocrisy makes me sick. And he is most liberal with some right views.

Except that there is ZERO PROOF so far that Shannon Edwards (who was never even pregnant) actually received such a request from Rep. Murphy.

It's funny that you didn't run to Snopes to fact-check Shannon Edward's story.

I think I know why.

Christiecrite claims she checked Snopes to see if the story was true, but she must have "forgotten" to mention that they say it's "unproven".

I did check it. What's your point?

So you say. It's odd that you apparently "forgot" to post the fact that Snopes rates Edward's allegations unproven, isn't it, Christiecrite?

Snopes says this - which Christiecrite would have known if she'd checked:

Text messages presented in a news article appear to suggest Murphy asked Shannon Edwards to have an abortion, but definitive proof is not available.
Color me shocked...SHOCKED I SAY...that yet another sanctimonious GOP congressman turns out to be just another "do as I say, not as I do" Rightie! The holier than thou hypocrite preached down to you and I about faith and family and how abortion is WRONG, all while he was pressuring his MISTRESS to have an ABORTION. Even more shocking is that a few JPP posters seem to be defending his lying, hypocritical ass.

Where is the proof that "he was pressuring his MISTRESS to have an ABORTION", Zappacrite?

Who is "defending him", Zappacrite?

Could it be that you think demanding evidence before ASSuming someone is guilty is "defending" the accused, Zappacrite?

You can't answer in this thread, Zappacrite - because you are banned from this thread - just like condemned hypocrite Christiecrite banned me from her rush-to judgment thread.

You won't say that she is a coward who fears honest discourse, will you, Zappacrite?
