Man Coulter still not off the hook for felony voter fraud


Will work for Scooby snacks
"It's not over for Coulter"

Palm Beach Post
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

When it comes to GOP twig Ann Coulter and her Palm Beach voting snafu, the fat lady has yet to sing.

While most expected the conservative pundit to be off the hook for good when the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office punted a voting fraud probe in April, the Florida Elections Commission now is investigating.

Coulter, a constitutional lawyer, voted in the wrong precinct in a Palm Beach town election in February 2006 after registering at an address that wasn't hers.

The Coulter voting saga is now known as FEC Case No. 07-211. The investigator assigned, Tallahassee's Margie Wade, wouldn't confirm she caught the case; FEC complaints are supposed to be confidential.

Still, Page Two is told Coulter already has been notified she's under investigation.

Backstory:: She committed third-degree voter fraud in Palm Beach County when she lied on her registration. Period. Dead to rights. She also lied on her drivers license down there (another third-degree felony) and knowing voted at the wrong precinct (first degree misdemeanor). Again, all dead to rights. The link above offers all the proof any attorney with balls bigger than Coulter's would need. And here's her fraudulent Voter Registration form to boot.* (caveat: aforementioned statement is opinion)
I was convicted of a 3rd degree felony. My lawyer was only $2,500 and alls I had to to was pick up trash along the 101 for 2 weeks, and give the State my life savings, Didn't do no time.
Coulter is a political commentator and a constitutional lawyer. She know better and should be prosecuted.

she puts her self on a pedestal so people have to look at her ugly legs, so she should fall off.
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Coulter is a political commentator and a constitutional lawyer. She know better and should be prosecuted.

she puts her self on a pedestal so people have to look at her ugly legs, so she should fall off.

She wrote down her Realtors address as her own home address, when she filled out her voter registration card. I'm soooo sure that was a "mistake".
She wrote down her Realtors address as her own home address, when she filled out her voter registration card. I'm soooo sure that was a "mistake".

Most voter fraud can't be prosecuted because the prosecuters can tell it was due to ignorance and/or a mistake.

This one obviously lied and set out to commit fraud. That's a problem.
She wrote down her Realtors address as her own home address, when she filled out her voter registration card. I'm soooo sure that was a "mistake".

Umm , maybe Cypress, she might be so dumb so as to not know where she lives. I could buy that.