man I hope this is true



May 30, 2007 -- Bush-Cheney rift. WMR's Washington sources have confirmed that a major rift has opened up between President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney over U.S. Iran policy. Cheney and the remaining neo-con cabal inside the Bush administration favor quick and decisive U.S. military action against Iran while Bush, backed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, favor the current diplomatic negotiations with Iran, particularly the Baghdad Green Zone talks concerning Iraq's security.

Bush has reportedly bristled at Cheney's suggestion that he is a "wimp." The junior Bush has made no secret of his obsession with his father's "wimp" persona and has striven to prove his own machismo. Cheney's "wimp talk" has infuriated Bush, according to our sources.

Ever since Deputy National Security Adviser J.D. Crouch resigned abruptly on May 4 (the same day ABC News was poised to reveal White House officials on the "Washington Madam's" list of clients), Iran-felon and Middle East super-hawk Elliott Abrams has served as the virtual number two man at the National Security Council under Stephen Hadley, according to our White House sources. Cheney and Abrams serve as a White House duet calling for U.S. military action against Iran.

There are also indications that former President George H. W. Bush is quietly supporting a "whispering campaign" against Cheney in an attempt to force him and his remaining neo-con stalwarts from office.
It is not good at all that our VP wants to attack Iran. He must have been promised a jew boy beanie if he does their dirty worrk for them.
And Bush is a wuss and will probably cave in if some other republican party leaders do not stomp on Shooter Peckerneck Cheney.
It is not good at all that our VP wants to attack Iran. He must have been promised a jew boy beanie if he does their dirty worrk for them.
And Bush is a wuss and will probably cave in if some other republican party leaders do not stomp on Shooter Peckerneck Cheney.
Oh, come now. Did you have any doubt -- any doubt at all -- that Big Dick wants to bomb Iran? I'm serious: this idiot actually believes all of that PNAC crappola.

I'd be delighted to think that the Wimp -- I mean, Dubya, that is -- would actually stand up to him.
I think if Dicky boy hurt his little feelings he may just have the same kind of edipal reaction that he did to his Dad.

He might then NOT do what Dicky wants after all he IS the desider.
It is not good at all that our VP wants to attack Iran. He must have been promised a jew boy beanie if he does their dirty worrk for them.
And Bush is a wuss and will probably cave in if some other republican party leaders do not stomp on Shooter Peckerneck Cheney.

Usc, I don't believe this is about Israel. Though, they do make a convienent scapegoat for the oilmen.
I do think it is mostly about Israel Darla, of course securing middle east oil does figure in as well..
follow the overseas news a bit more.