Man, I just spent so long programming this great application, hope you guys enjoy it

Well, I spent like a few hours yesterday making this shitty program in Netbeans to calculate hourly pay from minutes and dollars:

Which I attribute to the fact that Netbeans sucks, and I was on vyvanse and thus obsessing over small details. If you will notice, it produces three different error messages depending on if you don't fill out one form, the other, or both of them. It also took me a long time to get it to pop up in the center of the screen instead of the top right. And the warning messages never aligned with the same center of the screen as the main box, but by that point in time, I decided I did not give a fuck.

This morning, I woke up and was like, hey, maybe I should try to make a random form app in C# with Visual Studio, to see how that compares. So, I spent a couple of minutes whipping this up, and wound up with a program that had a text area labelled "Fuck", that was linked to nothing, and a "button1" button that appended "/nFuck" to a "rich text area" when pressed. It was the most pathetic thing I had ever seen. For some reason, I found it hilarious. While laughing far harder than the subject matter justified, I uploaded it to mediafire and decided to grace this site with it.

I trust my solution, WindowsFormApplication1.exe, was sufficiently platform independent to satisfy your demanding standards, Tom?
Wait, I see now, it's aligning the top right of each window to the center of the screen instead of the center. Well, fuck that. Java sucks.
It is truly amazing how much time you can spend accomplishing so little in the field of programming.

"Man, this'll take 15 minutes." - The beginning of virtually every programming sojourn I've embarked on.