Man it's really getting to me


Goddamn election season.

I think us Dems should have a little two-minute party everyday. We should sit around at the screen, watching videos of John McCain and Sarah Palin, and we shall throw stuff at them and scream obscenities. We should call this, say, something like "The two minute hate".

Thor is banned from speaking on this thread.
I've read it. Not memorized it.

I remembered the Two Minutes of Hate and a few other random details (like how they had to go to the country to fuck).
I've read it. Not memorized it.

I remembered the Two Minutes of Hate and a few other random details (like how they had to go to the country to fuck).

It’s a pretty vivid part, one of the most important parts of the book. Winston tells O’Brien that with all that he had been through, no matter what they did to him, at least he hadn’t really out and out betrayed Julia. He was hanging on to that, as his humanity, the one thing they couldn’t take from him. And O’Brien thinks about this, and says, you are right, you haven’t.

The next day he puts a rats in a case over Winston’s face, and his face is enclosed with them. As soon as they eat through the thin barrier separating them, the rats will be trapped in the enclosure with just Winston’s head and face, and they will claw and naw on his face until he dies. And so they finally tap into his worst, most primal fear, and in that moment, he yells out, no don’t do this to me, I was not the worst traitor, do it do Julia she is the one who deserves it. And that is when O’brien is finally satisfied, and Winston finally loses every last scrap of who he was, and he will never get it back.

It’s the most chilling part of the book.
I gotta get a new copy of the book, mine has started to fall apart. This time I'm getting a hardcover.
Damo I believe you’ve read the book, stop trying to get attention by claiming that you’ve read it so many times your copy is falling apart.