Man Returns Diamond Rings

what a cheap bitch.

1) A 30 cent tip on an $11 cab ride? Cheap.

2) He returns THIRTY ONE diamond rings and she only gives him $100. CHEAP.

As I answered in the poll, I would not have bothered taking the time to try to track her down. I would have made her track me down.... then stall her... make her sweat a bit... then suddenly remember where they were once she started crying.
I voted no. If the reward was bigger maybe. I wouldn't have tracked her down that's for sure. I agree. The $100 is extremely cheap for what he did.
I know.... even if the rings were only a grand apiece the reward should have been much higher. Odds are the average price of the rings was even higher than a grand. Unless of course they were po' trailer dem rings. ;)
I know.... even if the rings were only a grand apiece the reward should have been much higher. Odds are the average price of the rings was even higher than a grand. Unless of course they were po' trailer dem rings. ;)

seriously. She could have lost her job over it. and if she owned the shop, she has no excuse to be so GD cheap about it. At the least she should have offered to make him or his wife a really nice ring that would retail really high and aborb the cost of the materials. I have to admit, I may have been suckered into trying to find her or go out of my way to get her the rings, but after reading how cheap she is, i don't think so.
If she had tipped a few bucks on an $11 fare... I probably would have had the urge to try to help her out. But you are right... $100 on over an estimated $50k worth of jewelry? Come on.... she must be a dem.... trying to keep the poor cabbie poor. :whip:
If she had tipped a few bucks on an $11 fare... I probably would have had the urge to try to help her out. But you are right... $100 on over an estimated $50k worth of jewelry? Come on.... she must be a dem.... trying to keep the poor cabbie poor. :whip:

a trailer dem at that... i don't know of anyone who gives a 30cent tip... po' dems give more than that, i always tip big, on anything even coffee's.... WTF superfreak... seems the R's are cheaper w/ all their bargin basement wallmart shopping...

don't turn into Slu ok?:readit:
i would have given them to friends/family....

I'd have diamond rings for every day of the week.

a trailer dem at that... i don't know of anyone who gives a 30cent tip... po' dems give more than that, i always tip big, on anything even coffee's.... WTF superfreak... seems the R's are cheaper w/ all their bargin basement wallmart shopping...
Once in college this waitress at a diner was VERY nasty to us. Made sure i found the dirtiest and crudiest penny (the kind with green stuff on it) and left that. The next time I get a waiter that's that nasty, I'm going to leave a note on a napkin that reads: "here's a tip, don't be such a byotch to your customers"
Tips suck anyway, waiters should be paid enough, why should tips be part of the undocumented price of the food ?
Tips should be for outstanding service, not just marginally acceptable service. And should never be added to your bill by the management.
Tips suck anyway, waiters should be paid enough, why should tips be part of the undocumented price of the food ?
Tips should be for outstanding service, not just marginally acceptable service. And should never be added to your bill by the management.

I agree with that. I hate the process of tipping. Its so annoying. The Europeans have it right.
I would have given the rings back. I wouldn't have done it for the reward that may have come my way.
Obviously not, there, LadyT. The guy in the actual circumstance did so as well. There are more like me out there than you think.
I have to agree with Damo, If I did not earn it, it is not mine.

I feel somewhat guilty making money off of buying and selling stocks. Because I am not really doing anything to earn the money I gain. But then it seems only unearned income is at a low tax rate. So the sin tax must be less on "easy money".

But I can sure use the money :D
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It is the old do unto others thing, even us agnostics practice it.

I would want my rings returned, and so, I would have to return them or make an effort to return them if I found them...
"WTF superfreak... seems the R's are cheaper w/ all their bargin basement wallmart shopping...

don't turn into Slu ok?"

Dude... WHAT???? I am rippin on her for not tipping well... and I always tip well (unless the service is just GOD AWFUL)... and I am not a pub.
I wouldn't have kept them if she came looking for me, but seeing what a cheapskate she is, I would not go out of my way to help her.
"WTF superfreak... seems the R's are cheaper w/ all their bargin basement wallmart shopping...

don't turn into Slu ok?"

Dude... WHAT???? I am rippin on her for not tipping well... and I always tip well (unless the service is just GOD AWFUL)... and I am not a pub.

the point is that your trying to make it sound like dems don't tip... i was a dem for years and always tipped and tipped hard, sometimes i even tip the Dunkin Donuts trailer dems working and D&D in their "tips appreciated" jar

you shouldn't have to tip someone for pouring coffee, but if the trailer dem working there is polite sometimes i give em some change...
rob... I was being sarcastic.... I will make sure to spell it out for you in the future.... we wouldn't want you getting confused.