Man Tests Super Insulating Foam By Taking a Welding Torch to his Hand

That's a cutting torch. It's designed to cut through solid fucking plate steel. FUCK THAT.
He will be, barring intervention by W.R. Grace, Monsanto and Dupont.

Flipping amazing product.

Don't try the hand trick unless you have at least five years of foam injestion though.

Dude I wouldn't try that shit for money.
I am solidly with you there Bill. I have to imagine two things though; 1. He KNEW it was safe from prior testing. 2. He has solid brass balls.

He didn't use the cutting jet, so I assume he's still got some sort of apprehension about it's limits. Not that those limits are in any way realistic.
That's a cutting torch. It's designed to cut through solid fucking plate steel. FUCK THAT.
Stuff like that's been around a long time. When I was in the recycling business we had some ceramic plates that we used in critical junctions of our furnace you could could hold in your hand and heat it with an acetylene torch until the face was red hot and not feel a thing on the other side. They were similiar to the tiles that are used on the Space Shuttle which endures far higher temperatures then that torch.
Stuff like that's been around a long time. When I was in the recycling business we had some ceramic plates that we used in critical junctions of our furnace you could could hold in your hand and heat it with an acetylene torch until the face was red hot and not feel a thing on the other side. They were similiar to the tiles that are used on the Space Shuttle which endures far higher temperatures then that torch.

It's not exactly the same, this is a paste which can be spread onto any surface and what's more is non toxic.
It's not exactly the same, this is a paste which can be spread onto any surface and what's more is non toxic.
Non-Toxic is not much of an issue. Most refractories are not toxic based on LD50. It's the fact that it's a paste that is innovative. This material would be a hell of a lot easier to apply in a lot of applications where you would use either a castable or plastic refractory material with similiar thermal properties. It would have the pros of both and few of the cons. This stuff would be awesome, for example, for patching hot spots and burn outs on an high temperature furnace. Would save you from having to shut down to make repairs. The major advantage I see for this refractory is that would be very easy to apply in a wide assortment of applications and if anyone here has ever worked with refractories, they are notoriously difficult to apply. It takes a lot of work. This stuff you could just blow into the area you need to protect, let it set, then cure it. What impresses me the most is that this material is an organic composition and not an inorganic composition. I thought it was a chromate refractory until he ate it. LOL

I wonder what this materials mechanical properties are like?
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Non-Toxic is not much of an issue. Most refractories are not toxic based on LD50. It's the fact that it's a paste that is innovative. This material would be a hell of a lot easier to apply in a lot of applications where you would use either a castable or plastic refractory material with similiar thermal properties. It would have the pros of both and few of the cons. This stuff would be awesome, for example, for patching hot spots and burn outs on an high temperature furnace. Would save you from having to shut down to make repairs. The major advantage I see for this refractory is that would be very easy to apply in a wide assortment of applications and if anyone here has ever worked with refractories, they are notoriously difficult to apply. It takes a lot of work. This stuff you could just blow into the area you need to protect, let it set, then cure it. What impresses me the most is that this material is an organic composition and not an inorganic composition. I thought it was a chromate refractory until he ate it. LOL

I wonder what this materials mechanical properties are like?

It is not just a refractory though, as he says in the video it can be used to put out fires especially oil and kerosene. In addition he said that it is particularly good for use around nuclear reactors as it adsorbs radiation.
If that shit could stop bullets or explosives, he'd become the richest dude in the world. Well, at least a well-off millionaire under the Obama administration. It all depnds on where his lips would be sewn ;)