Man Traveling to All 50 States Mowing Lawns for Elderly, Disabled, Single Moms, and


Vets for Free.

Rodney Smith Jr. found his purpose the day he came across an elderly man struggling to mow his lawn, and pulled over to help.

“That night, I decided to mow lawns for the elderly, disabled, single moms and veterans,” Smith told CNN.

Today, that idea has expanded. This summer, Smith is traveling to all 50 states to mow lawns for people who need help — for free.

Nice work, Mr. Smith, and thank you! :)
Race baiters can't relate to this, apparently

Nice, but the woman with 9 kids in the story surely has one old enough to push a mower if she can't find the time to do it herself.
Nice, but the woman with 9 kids in the story surely has one old enough to push a mower if she can't find the time to do it herself.
It's the act that matters. Maybe he inspired at least one of her kids to put his, or her, phone down and help.