Marijuana laws in California


New member
My friend asked me why I bought marijuana.. but never would before..

I told her this..

#1. Let's start with history..

Watch a scrooge movie..
Then think to yourself, if any of those people would give a damn about Marijuana..

The fact is, that they bought it, made things out of it, and smoked it themselves..

The bottom line on marijuana bans, is that they are from American 20th century politics.

#2. Again.. I didn't make the ban against marijuana..
I only go by it.
It's not my job to get arrested, put in prison, anything that comes as a byproduct of being in prison or jail.. get shot, attacked, or any thing else..
Or spend the rest of my life with a criminal record.

It's not my problem that marijuana was lied about, and no legitimate credible information was available to counter the lies..
Only rhetoric from convicts.. who are dangerous to me in the first place.

And #3..

So here you go..
Legit, legal, safe, no bullsh!t...
No Machinegun necessary..
STFU and have it.
Boom ! On the table.
Then I told her that My legal purchase of marijuana, is does not represent a defiant attitude toward American laws.

It's not the birth of a change of power structure.
The central truth is, this is American sanity, with bipartisan support.

This is not some clpolitical coupe d etat, conquest of America by street thugs, come home to roost.

This is a supermajority who now today allows it.

Now I try it for myself.