Marine internet connections

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For the most part, the challenge of getting satellite internet for a tug is cost, along with the fact that a tug moves.

Moving requires a satellite that can maintain a connection while a tug is rocking in the water. Distance also factors in, as larger and more expensive satellite dishes are required to compensate for angled signals as a tug veers southward. If you’re looking for a strong signal anywhere in the world, be prepared for a substantial price tag.

Satellite internet provides service that can be used for voice calling, messaging, high-definition television reception, and, of course, web browsing.

Manufacturers adapted equipment for moving, oceangoing tugs, and if the owners are willing to pay the price, captains can enjoy internet service almost anywhere in the ocean.

Multiple manufacturers offer dishes—basically glorified antennas—along with data plans that charge on a monthly basis just like smartphones.

If you are a tug captain who rarely ventures far from shore, you can consider an enhanced antenna and signal booster system that puts Wi-Fi networks in reach of your tug. But for a more reliable, expansive (and expensive) internet connection, satellite is the only solution.

The cheapest satellites for basic internet are in the $1500 range, while at the top end of the spectrum, systems costing up to $50,000 (plus a hefty monthly data plan) will furnish a tug captain with unimpeded global broadband internet access - at the owner's expense.

The sailor boi stood on the heaving deck,
Sat-phone in hand as he posts his dreck.
While millions of Floridians prepare to flee
Sailor Boi posts on JPP.
'O, Captain, my Captain', the hands do cry,
But the smartphone screen transfixes Sailor Boi's eye.
Though swells crest over the bluff little boat,
And many a vessel is barely afloat,
Sailor Boi posts from the ocean so gaily,
Gobbling the owners data plan daily.
