APP - Marine who built Gitmo: US lost moral high ground


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CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. – The Marine commander who built the Guantanamo Bay prison said Thursday the U.S. lost the "moral high ground" with its brutal treatment of prisoners, and the facility should be closed as quickly as possible.

It was the first time Maj. Gen. Michael Lehnert publicly acknowledged his doubts, although he said he did make his concerns known through the appropriate chain of command.

Lehnert, 58, was commander of Joint Task Force 160 when it was assigned to build prison cells in 2001 at the U.S. Navy base in Cuba to hold designated "enemy combatants" from Afghanistan and elsewhere.

He said he was given little guidance from the Pentagon, but he did have his staff read the Geneva Convention, the international agreement governing treatment of prisoners.

"I wanted to run it close to Geneva Convention rules," Lehnert said. "Our job was to take them out of the fight, and once we had done that, I felt we had a moral responsibility to take care of them."

However, another task force was put in charge of interrogating detainees, and there were disagreements over their treatment, Lehnert said.

"I think it is extraordinarily important how we treat prisoners," he said. "Obviously, there were other views."

"I came to the conclusion very soon that this probably wasn't the right way to go," said Lehnert, who served just 100 days at the base.

"Probably before I left Guantanamo, I was of the opinion it needed to go away as soon as possible," he said.

The general said he didn't feel the U.S. would get much useful information by using the techniques.

"I think we lost the moral high ground," he said.

President Barack Obama has ordered the prison to close by January 2010, but it's unclear where about 200 remaining prisoners would go.

Lehnert is opposed to sending some to stateside military bases, including Camp Pendleton.

"It would fundamentally change the mission of that base," he said. "The entire focus would shift to long-term incarceration of detainees."

Lehnert now oversees seven West Coast Marine bases. He retires Tuesday.
Now let the assassination of Maj. Gen. Michael Lehnert's character begin by those who subscribe to the Soviet assertion that the ends justify the means.
sounds like a good marine who did what he could.
Of course he does, but his view of Gitmo and the interrogation techniques used there fly in the face of NeoCon revisionist history that anytime ANYONE speaks out against it, there past does not matter, they just love terrorists or whatever other bullshit the right can come up with to prop up the Bush administrations handling of the entire war on terra.
Now let the assassination of Maj. Gen. Michael Lehnert's character begin by those who subscribe to the Soviet assertion that the ends justify the means.

If the past is anything to go by they will most likely ignore this thread completely especially TuTu, and Ice Prancer.

CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. – The Marine commander who built the Guantanamo Bay prison said Thursday the U.S. lost the "moral high ground" with its brutal treatment of prisoners, and the facility should be closed as quickly as possible.

It was the first time Maj. Gen. Michael Lehnert publicly acknowledged his doubts, although he said he did make his concerns known through the appropriate chain of command.

Lehnert, 58, was commander of Joint Task Force 160 when it was assigned to build prison cells in 2001 at the U.S. Navy base in Cuba to hold designated "enemy combatants" from Afghanistan and elsewhere.

He said he was given little guidance from the Pentagon, but he did have his staff read the Geneva Convention, the international agreement governing treatment of prisoners.

"I wanted to run it close to Geneva Convention rules," Lehnert said. "Our job was to take them out of the fight, and once we had done that, I felt we had a moral responsibility to take care of them."

However, another task force was put in charge of interrogating detainees, and there were disagreements over their treatment, Lehnert said.

"I think it is extraordinarily important how we treat prisoners," he said. "Obviously, there were other views."

"I came to the conclusion very soon that this probably wasn't the right way to go," said Lehnert, who served just 100 days at the base.

"Probably before I left Guantanamo, I was of the opinion it needed to go away as soon as possible," he said.

The general said he didn't feel the U.S. would get much useful information by using the techniques.

"I think we lost the moral high ground," he said.

President Barack Obama has ordered the prison to close by January 2010, but it's unclear where about 200 remaining prisoners would go.

Lehnert is opposed to sending some to stateside military bases, including Camp Pendleton.

"It would fundamentally change the mission of that base," he said. "The entire focus would shift to long-term incarceration of detainees."

Lehnert now oversees seven West Coast Marine bases. He retires Tuesday.

I can't help but notice that Lehnert refers to the prison as Guantanamo Bay. Thats the prison built by the American government on a corner of Cuba, an independent nation that American ignorance has decided remains a threat to The US national safety.
However, the thread starter, one Socrtease, prefers to sanitise the name to hide the shameful way that America treats innocent non-Americans yo GITMO.
Have you seen the latest Disney cartoon? its called Gitmo and his Mommy in amongst the flowers and butterflies.
Gitmo is a baby bunny who has lots of nice cuddly friends.
The place is
and it is Americas everlasting shame.
I can't help but notice that Lehnert refers to the prison as Guantanamo Bay. Thats the prison built by the American government on a corner of Cuba, an independent nation that American ignorance has decided remains a threat to The US national safety.
However, the thread starter, one Socrtease, prefers to sanitise the name to hide the shameful way that America treats innocent non-Americans yo GITMO.
Have you seen the latest Disney cartoon? its called Gitmo and his Mommy in amongst the flowers and butterflies.
Gitmo is a baby bunny who has lots of nice cuddly friends.
The place is
and it is Americas everlasting shame.

Guantanamo Bay has been a US naval base for decades, and has always been abbreviated as "Gitmo." Hell, if you've ever seen the movie A Few Good Men, with Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson made in the early 90s, one of the Marines on trial refers to it as Gitmo.

The detention center was not built until 2001. It is the detention center that has drawn all of the attention due to the torture and mistreatment of prisoners. If you have a problem with the entire naval base, that's one thing, but to pretend that the nickname of "Gitmo" has only existed for 8 years is just that - pretense.
Guantanamo Bay has been a US naval base for decades, and has always been abbreviated as "Gitmo." Hell, if you've ever seen the movie A Few Good Men, with Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson made in the early 90s, one of the Marines on trial refers to it as Gitmo.

The detention center was not built until 2001. It is the detention center that has drawn all of the attention due to the torture and mistreatment of prisoners. If you have a problem with the entire naval base, that's one thing, but to pretend that the nickname of "Gitmo" has only existed for 8 years is just that - pretense.

There was no 'time' mentioned in my post.
It was merely that the word 'Gitmo' sanitises the whole concept and makes it sound all cuddly. It wasnt cuddly when it was first built. It wasnt cuddly when the ridiculous rent was agreed. It wasnt cuddly as a US naval base and it sure ain't cuddly now.
Military bases cuckooed in foreign territories are an insult to the citizens of that country, particularly when you treat the owners of the land as enemies. It's just another euphemism and it's been there so long that you no longer recognise it as such.
Anyway your president is in Washo and all's right with the world.
please tell us exactly in what manner the geneva conventions apply to the terrorists....

Ask Alberto Gonzales for his definition of "quaint".
Do you ever consider, beyond treaties, that sometimes rules of humanity govern how one man treats another?
We still have the moral high ground. I don't recall the CIA beheading anyone.

Greatest per capita polluter on the planet. Greatest warmongering nation on the planet. Greatest arms dealer on the planet. Greatest producer of pornography on the planet. Greatest exporter of dangerous drugs on the planet. Most violent first world nation on the planet.
I would suggest that your high ground is way below the water table.
Greatest per capita polluter on the planet. Greatest warmongering nation on the planet. Greatest arms dealer on the planet. Greatest producer of pornography on the planet. Greatest exporter of dangerous drugs on the planet. Most violent first world nation on the planet.
I would suggest that your high ground is way below the water table.
Thank you for that ill-informed, hate filled rant against the US. :)
Oooo so as long as we don't behead people we have the moral high ground? I don't know if you are aware of this, but the lesser of two still evil.

Sometimes you have to climb into the gutter to clean it out. That's reality, and it doesn't make the cleaner evil.