Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims Violence Needed To 'Stand Up' To Trans People

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Marjorie Taylor Greene appeared to suggest the threat of violence is "exactly how we need to stand up" against trans and non-binary people in society.

"First off, if I was a parent and my fifth-grade daughter had to sleep and showered in some kind of cabin at some summer camp that I paid money to send my child to, and there was a man calling himself a woman sleeping in her cabin, showering with her, that guy would, he'd be in jail. He would be in jail," Greene said.

"Well, first off, my husband would've beat him into the ground, and then he'd be in jail. But this is exactly how we need to stand up against this stuff."

There was no suggestion that the counselors showered with the fifth graders at the cabin, and the parents of the Weaver Elementary School student have not accused them of any crime, reported KTLA.
The estimate is that .3 percent of Americans identify as trans. Very few of them are upfront about it. It is simply not a threat to our kids. This is another right-wing fake crisis. It is like a tran in sports. Has anyone ever encountered that problem? Yeah, someone somewhere makes the claim and rightys pass it around like it is a real threat to sports. Renee Richards was a tran who competed on the woman's circuit and never got higher than 20th ranked.