Mars Ingenuity helicopter successfully completes second, riskier flight


Black Kitty Ain't Happy

The Ingenuity helicopter successfully completed a second flight on Mars Thursday, and it was even more challenging than the first.

Ingenuity autonomously flew for almost 52 seconds this time, climbing 16 feet (4.9 meters) up through the Martian atmosphere. After a brief hover, it tilted at a 5-degree angle and moved sideways for 7 feet (2.1 meters).
The helicopter hovered in place again to make several turns. This occurred to allow Ingenuity's color camera to capture images taken looking in different directions before touching back down in the center of the airfield. Ingenuity only collected black-and-white images with its navigation camera during the first flight.

Meanwhile, the rover produced oxygen!

The rover on Tuesday successfully converted some of the plentiful carbon dioxide on Mars into oxygen as a first test of its MOXIE instrument. The name MOXIE is short for Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment.
After warming up for about two hours, MOXIE produced 5.4 grams of oxygen. This is enough to sustain an astronaut for about 10 minutes.

Why don't we use that here on Earth? Republicans and conservatives need more oxygen to their brains.
Just their search grid. I was looking at where Perseverance was programmed to explore and then applying those routes to the topography.

Looks like a fist. Parallel searches make sense. We do that here, especially the crime scene units, in searching.
Looks like a fist. Parallel searches make sense. We do that here, especially the crime scene units, in searching.

Search patterns looking for lost people are regimented, but in this case the course of Perseverance was probably directed by choices of geologists and other scientists evaluating the photos. You can see where it was just moving along and where it stopped and did something.

I am still detecting almost no interest. Part of this is because the Revolution is stomping on any happy news about America because that gets in the way of their narrative that America is so terrible that it must be burned to the ground, right now, there will be no quibbling about it.

But I think a part of it is that almost no one cares, this has nothing to do with our lives, which are turning to shit rapidly.

The Ingenuity helicopter successfully completed a second flight on Mars Thursday, and it was even more challenging than the first.

Ingenuity autonomously flew for almost 52 seconds this time, climbing 16 feet (4.9 meters) up through the Martian atmosphere. After a brief hover, it tilted at a 5-degree angle and moved sideways for 7 feet (2.1 meters).
The helicopter hovered in place again to make several turns. This occurred to allow Ingenuity's color camera to capture images taken looking in different directions before touching back down in the center of the airfield. Ingenuity only collected black-and-white images with its navigation camera during the first flight.

Meanwhile, the rover produced oxygen!

The rover on Tuesday successfully converted some of the plentiful carbon dioxide on Mars into oxygen as a first test of its MOXIE instrument. The name MOXIE is short for Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment.
After warming up for about two hours, MOXIE produced 5.4 grams of oxygen. This is enough to sustain an astronaut for about 10 minutes.

Why don't we use that here on Earth? Republicans and conservatives need more oxygen to their brains.


The oxygen thing - wow.

Too bad the conversion is so expensive it would not be practical on Earth to convert CO2 to O2.

The oxygen thing - wow.

Too bad the conversion is so expensive it would not be practical on Earth to convert CO2 to O2.

Plants do a great job of converting CO2 into O2. ;)

Pretty cool proving the concept works under Martian conditions.