Marxism =Judaism


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Marxism has always tried to convince us that we are all the same. This is the first step in the total subjugation of the human race. For if they can convince us that all the races are equal , it makes it that much easier for them to show later that all individuals comprising the various races of man are also equal.

The idea that equality exists in nature runs counter to natural law . And since man is part of the natural order of things ;marxism is an attempt to pervert the very laws of which all mankind are bound to obey. The laws of nature are immutable and can never change.

This holds true for the constitution as well that attempts to push on an unsuspecting public the idea that all are created equal. Again this must be seen as a subtle form of marxism .

If nature herself cannot guarantee equality anywhere in the natural world ,how can anyone hope that government can?

If all were equal then man would have made no progress whatever in this world of eternal struggle.

The weak would weaken the strong , the gifted would be robbed by the depraved and things would be just like they are ,here in the USA!

The smartest thing the jewish community ever did was to discover Karl Marx.
I agree strongly.

The Jewish-Marxist revolution shall overtake the world, and severe the heads of the wretched burgeiouse from their necks. Glorious revolution, how I wait for thee! We will water our crops with the blood of impure souls*!

*Actual lyrics from the French national anthem.
Once again, tell us what make you superior to anyone? And spare us the "I'm doing the Lord's work" nonsense.

If the races are not equal, tell us how you personally are superior?
Individuals cannot be judged arbitrarily superior to others on a one to one basis . But I judge everyone according to his race and skin color as well as the content of their character. I stand on the combined accomplishments of the white race and on that basis I belong to a superior culture. Culture does not necessarily imply a racial connotation.
Individuals cannot be judged arbitrarily superior to others on a one to one basis . But I judge everyone according to his race and skin color as well as the content of their character. I stand on the combined accomplishments of the white race and on that basis I belong to a superior culture. Culture does not necessarily imply a racial connotation.

Oh, so there are plenty of individuals of other races who have proven themselves superior to you. But since you share the skin color of caucasians, you claim superiority based on what others of that race have done?

Thats about as chickenshit an answer as I have seen on these pages. You demean other races while admitting that, individually, you have nothing to offer except hate and warmongering.

Tell you what, whitebread, come back when you have actually done something of merit on your own. You are like the skinny kid in the neighborhhod talking trash because his big brother is somebody. Its truly sad.
Individuals cannot be judged arbitrarily superior to others on a one to one basis .

And just as an FYI, you are absolutely wrong on this one. Judging superiority can ONLY be done on an individual basis. What one man does on his own is the only measure of his worth or his value.

Those who choose to judge by race or culture are simply looking for excuses for their own failure and riding the coattails of those men who actually accomplished something.
But not in terms of race or culture or genetic makeup. In fact the individual means nothing in terms of race.

So you want to judge everyone by putting them in groups based on distant ancestry, not their actual accomplishments or their own individual lives?

That is the complete and total removal of all freedoms. If you want freedom, you must concern yourself with individuals. Otherwise you are simply a tribal warlord with a new gimmick.

Sorry junior, your argument ain't working.
Well you are refusing to read .. How can I do anything ? Just look at the ghettos , go look at norway,germany and then look at somalia and nigeria , CAN YOU SEE A DIFFERENCE?
Well you are refusing to read .. How can I do anything ? Just look at the ghettos , go look at norway,germany and then look at somalia and nigeria , CAN YOU SEE A DIFFERENCE?

I am not arguing that there are crimes or criminals. But the difference between you and I is that I do not hold one races blameless, and I am not a failure claiming to be superior because of what others have accomplished while I did nothing.

We are not arguing about whether there are crimes, areas of moral decay or whatever. We are arguing about whether race matters in that argument. And as long as there are a significant number of individuals from the races you demean who stand up for what is right, accomplish things on their own, and live a good and true life, your argument is a total failure. Unless you can point to a race that has no crime or immorality, your argument fails.
Well you are refusing to read .. How can I do anything ? Just look at the ghettos , go look at norway,germany and then look at somalia and nigeria , CAN YOU SEE A DIFFERENCE?

Europeans were successful for the past few hundred years. However, this is the only time in history, besides perhaps that of the Romans, where europeans were ahead of other peoples.
Well you are refusing to read .. How can I do anything ? Just look at the ghettos , go look at norway,germany and then look at somalia and nigeria , CAN YOU SEE A DIFFERENCE?


Norway is equivalent to Somalia? Er..i'm not sure anything really needs to be said.

(and your grammar still sucks balls)
Marxism has always tried to convince us that we are all the same. This is the first step in the total subjugation of the human race. For if they can convince us that all the races are equal , it makes it that much easier for them to show later that all individuals comprising the various races of man are also equal.

The idea that equality exists in nature runs counter to natural law . And since man is part of the natural order of things ;marxism is an attempt to pervert the very laws of which all mankind are bound to obey. The laws of nature are immutable and can never change.

This holds true for the constitution as well that attempts to push on an unsuspecting public the idea that all are created equal. Again this must be seen as a subtle form of marxism .

If nature herself cannot guarantee equality anywhere in the natural world ,how can anyone hope that government can?

If all were equal then man would have made no progress whatever in this world of eternal struggle.

The weak would weaken the strong , the gifted would be robbed by the depraved and things would be just like they are ,here in the USA!

The smartest thing the jewish community ever did was to discover Karl Marx.

HAHAHA! Judaism began more than 3000 years ago in the Middle East. Marxism began in the late 19th century in Europe. Karl Marx was an ATHEIST who theorized a state in which industry is controlled by the workers and in which religion is banned.

Your claim is so outrageous, I am tempted to doubt your sanity.
