Mass Defections Is The Answer For Pay TV


Verified User
Last week I cancelled my wife’s cable television subscription.


FOX is dying
By Lee Cary
October 4, 2020

In truth, American conservatism was ill on FOX for a long time. Conservatism finally died in 2015:

Fox News Lurches Left as Murdoch’s Sons Take Control of Media Dynasty
By Jerry A. Kane
August 10, 2015

FOX never crawled back into the closet after they failed to torpedo Donald Trump. Bringing Clinton suck-ass Donna Brazile on-board is akin to arming a guided missile. Donna Brassiere’s mouth in conservative ears on the same shows with FOX’s long-standing liberals might sound angelic now that she wants everybody to get along, but make no mistake about it —— she is diarrhea on the same plate with solid liberal turds.

Finally, Democrats across the board defend television “news” for obvious reasons. Conservatives never defend television “news” for obvious reasons.

NOTE: FOX initiated its own version of:

The fairness doctrine of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), introduced in 1949, was a policy that required the holders of broadcast licenses both to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was—in the FCC's view—honest, equitable, and balanced. The FCC eliminated the policy in 1987 and removed the rule that implemented the policy from the Federal Register in August 2011.

Not one network applied the Fairness Doctrine to conservatives on entertainment shows when it was enforced. Now that the Parasite Class has absolute control over program content on every network there is not a chance they will give conservatives equal time on news shows.

Parenthetically, television’s mouths and entertainment industry parasites stand to lose jobs and huge incomes when mass defections shuts down subscription TV. They all know they will have to reserve tables at their local soup kitchen if they want to eat.

Finally, take a look at number 8 permalink in this thread for a brief look at how and why the government created subscription TV:

In short: The airwaves belong to the advertising industry. The cat was out of the bag when the government all but did away with analog television transmissions. Americans who supposedly “owned” the airwaves did not get a vote when hundreds of new advertising platforms were created by digital transmissions.

The worst part was that digital increased the number of parasites taking down huge tax dollar salaries on cable networks. Those salaries are paid by the advertising tax deduction which is passed onto every American whether or not they own a TV.
If it was your wife's cable subscription, how was it up to you to cancel it?
Are you a misogynist? A bully? A spouse abuser?

MSNBC is, in my view, essential viewing. It is impossible to be sufficiently informed without it.
If it was your wife's cable subscription, how was it up to you to cancel it?
Are you a misogynist? A bully? A spouse abuser?

To NiftyNiblick: Asshole:

For the record, my wife signed up for cable a few years back. Should I become a widower every television in my home will go out with the trash as soon as the funeral is over. I would not allow those people on television in my home if they knocked on my door. To me, television brings the worst humans beings into my home electronically.

MSNBC is, in my view, essential viewing. It is impossible to be sufficiently informed without it.

To NiftyNiblick: Moron.

NOTE: Analyzing government lies is the only judicious reason for an adult policy wonk to own a television.

Netflix has reportedly suffered a huge drop in streaming subscribers, too.

To Legion: Glad to hear it.
I cut the cord about 4 years ago. My cable bill went from an original $75 per month up to $310 per month and I had enough of it. Handed the equipment in and told them to go fuck themselves with a red hot poker. Don't miss it at all.