Mass Protests at COVID-19 Test Kit Factory in China; China’s Border Reopens Amid COVI


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Mass Protests at COVID-19 Test Kit Factory in China; China’s Border Reopens Amid COVID-19 Surge

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China in Focus

Thousands of #protesters are clashing with #police in a COVID-19 test kit plant in China—with boxes and stools flying. But what are they fighting for? China is reopening its #borders, allowing people to go abroad while infections surge at home. We have an update on how countries are reacting. Funeral homes grapple with overcrowding. A funeral home worker is appealing to the public for understanding. A Chinese tracking device was found in a car belonging to the UK government. We take a look at what British intelligence officials found. China is launching another military drill around Taiwan. And on the heels of that drill, a group of German lawmakers touched down on the island.