Maybe Americans Aren't as Stupid as We Thought


Every once in a while, people surprise me. Generally, I don't expect much of the electorate as a whole. Sometimes, though, people manage to demonstrate that there's no excuse for elitism in practice. ;)

(CNN) -- Despite politicians' complaints about judges having too much power, two-thirds of Americans do not believe elected officials should have more control over federal judges, according to a new CNN poll released Saturday.

Sixty-seven percent of 1,013 people surveyed by Opinion Research Corp. on behalf of CNN said federal judges -- and the decisions they make -- should not be subject to more control.

Only 30 percent said they should. (See the poll results)
Both a current and former Supreme Court justice told CNN they are not unaware of the criticism aimed at them, but they said such criticism is an integral part of life in a democracy.

"As I went through the last few years of service here at the court, I saw increasing indicator of unhappiness with judges," said retired Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.

But that unhappiness is a consequence of an independent judiciary, said Justice Stephen Breyer. "It comes from the necessity that someone have the last word. And since for 200 years, people have thought in this country that the best guarantee that minorities will not be oppressed, that the Constitution will be lived up to, is to give the very last word to a group of judges who are independent," he said.
I always see the cup as half empty. Or in this case 1/3 empty.
I can only focus on this:

30 percent said they should.