Maybe he should call another news conf at the 4 seasons total landscaping

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Giuliani says he has proof that Hillary Clinton got FBI to spy on Trump!!!

Just when you thought Rudy Giuliani’s ties to Donald Trump couldn’t get any more cringeworthy, the former president's lawyer claims he has “1,000 documents” related to the Russia collusion probe stashed in his bedroom. :laugh:

“I happen to have it in my bedroom, or my den, actually,” Giuliani told the right-wing Newsmax network late Tuesday. “I’ve had it there for years.”

Giuliani made the claim during an interview about the latest revelations from the Trump-appointed special prosecutor investigating the launching of an FBI investigation into contacts between the 2016 Trump presidential campaign and Russia.
He always says he has proof of something when the heat gets turned on him.

I love the whole Four Seasons Total Landscaping thing.