Maybe some laws will be passed now


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I hope more like the below happens to the upper crust so we will get some identity theft laws with real teeth in them.

Bernanke personal bank account struck by ID theft

Aug 27, 8:05 PM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - No one is safe from identity theft, not even the chairman of the Federal Reserve.

Ben Bernanke's personal checking account became entangled in an elaborate identity-theft scheme after his wife Anna's purse was stolen last August at a Capitol Hill Starbucks. According to a District of Columbia police report, it contained her Social Security card, checkbook, credit cards and IDs.
Yes, we should put some money into enforcing the laws. A lot more money, and we should figure out ways to make it easier to detect. Hardly anyone who commits the crime gets caught.

But passing mandatory minimums, etc... would do nothing to decrease the frequency of the crime.
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Yes, we should put some money into enforcing the laws. A lot more money, and we should figure out ways to make it easier to detect. Hardly anyone who commits the crime gets caught.

But passing mandatory minimums, etc... would do nothing to decrease the frequency of the crime.

The first thing is to make it a felony federal crime and have a special task force to pursue them.

Set up a help line for those who this happens to.

People are pretty much on their own now.
And checks are not protected from fraud like credit cards and neither are all debit cards.

Another stupid victim, I don't know how many times I have seen idiots at a Starbucks, get up to go to the bathroom, outside to smoke, and walk away from their computers, bags and purses and expect it to be there when they return.
You are very funny today, did you have a good night last night?

I am reading Dean Koonz, "From the Corner of His Eye" Cain is a very bad man!

Actually, yes, I got back from camping in Electric City, WA (Grand Coulee Dam), and last night my friends and I ate seafood on the Seattle waterfront. I had crabcakes and I ordered a drink called Kaipirhina made from Brazilian sugar cane liquor, lime, and another citris fruit (can't remember). It would be nice to know if the sugar cane liquor had a more specific name.
Actually, yes, I got back from camping in Electric City, WA (Grand Coulee Dam), and last night my friends and I ate seafood on the Seattle waterfront. I had crabcakes and I ordered a drink called Kaipirhina made from Brazilian sugar cane liquor, lime, and another citris fruit (can't remember). It would be nice to know if the sugar cane liquor had a more specific name.

Actually, yes, I got back from camping in Electric City, WA (Grand Coulee Dam), and last night my friends and I ate seafood on the Seattle waterfront. I had crabcakes and I ordered a drink called Kaipirhina made from Brazilian sugar cane liquor, lime, and another citris fruit (can't remember). It would be nice to know if the sugar cane liquor had a more specific name.
Oh, I am jealous, any rain,yet?
Well, yeah, but the fact that they didn't just say rum leaves me mystified. It makes it at least sound more exotic... Darned Portugese-speaking peoplez!!

Kinda like serving Escargo (sp?) in America. A lot less would be sold at a cheaper price if the menu said snails.