You, of course, meant.....on the "Star's" tour-bus???
How 'bout....REPUBLICAN WOMEN??!!!
You can laugh...revealing but one thing...your stupidity/complicity. Your guild never backs away from the Alinsky game plan of accusing, attacking, dividing, lying and deflection. An attempt at humor is the most simple method of at deflection.
I deal in one thing...truth. The democratic party is party headquarters for the communist party USA and has been since the early 60s. It's backed by the american communist lawyer union who is used as its transmission. Their mission statement is recorded as part of the US congressional record.
Simply reference Congressional Record Appendix. pp. A-34-35 Jan. 10, 1963
You will find part of this to include the communist party usa's mission statement below Here is but a part of that United States Congress Record.
Communist Goals within the United States of America
Capture one or both of the Political Parties
Use the US COURT SYSTEM to weaken our Constitution by using technicalities to subvert basic rights of every individual by claiming they violate the civil rights of certain minorities.
Get control of our state and local school systems by promoting a federal agenda. And then use them to promote socialism through propaganda. Get control of all teachers' unions. Weaken the requirement to graduate via weakening the curriculum. Print the communist party line in the textbooks required as mandatory education.
Gain control of all types of student media newspapers...etc.,
Instigate student unrest and riots against the government...again feigning civil and human rights.
Infiltrate the print and news media.
Gain executive control of all the major movie and tv outlets.
Discredit American art and culture while promoting porn...etc., as a form of free expressive art.
Attack all obscenity laws...claiming they are "censoring" FREE SPEECH.
Promote homosexuality, deviancy, pre martial promiscuity as all being NORMAL in nature.....
Eliminate all forms of public prayer or religious expression.
Discredit the US CONSTITUTION by calling it antiquated, old fashioned, out of step with modern social more's and a hindrance between all nations of earth in negotiations with the US PEOPLE.
Attempt to discredit the founders of the United States of American...claiming they were rich, bigoted aristocrats...with no concern for the common man.
Discourage the teachings of American History by revising the record with propaganda.
Promote the central government as the superior of all states rights
Eliminate all laws that don't accept communism i.e., Liberalism, progress, socialism..etc., as the equal of republican democracy.
Eliminate the House Committee Oversight on UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES.
Make the denying them the ability to communicate with all other law enforcement agencies...calling such a civil rights violation.
Gain control of all major unions.
Gain control of most major businesses and banks.
Discredit the family as being necessary....claiming the state will take care of all its children
Create the impression that violence is part of the American heritage and must be addressed by taking away certain rights..such as promoting GUN CONTROL..etc.,
Give the Panama Canal to international concerns...stopping the US from using it as a weapon in times of war.
Give the world court the power to circumvent the US CONSTITUTION.
What do I want most? To get my party back...the party of Truman, JFK, Bobby Kennedy...etc., All promoted the real values of the Democratic Party....the majority of the last true democrats where removed by the Communist Party USA...through any means necessary to include killing.
The Kennedy and Martian Luther King deaths are not really a mystery....all stood in the way of the communist mission statement.
Hell if Bobby or Jack Kennedy were alive and run for office today they would be labeled Extreme right wing NEO-CONS by the communist press.