Mayor Proposes to build "Anti-Gay" Toilets


Will work for Scooby snacks
Not cool. I don't want the toilet stall door flying open on me, if I haven't finished going to the bathroom. I mean, what are they going to say?: "You have five minutes to poop, or the door is going to fly open" ?

Mayor want to Build Anti-Gay Toilets

Mayor: 'Homosexuals ... engaging in sex, anonymous sex, illegal sex'

© 2007

Fort Lauderdale Mayor Jim Naugle says his city has a problem with "homosexual activity" in public restrooms and he has a plan to stop it – robotic toilets that allow occupants to stay inside for only a short time before the door automatically opens.
Well, they shouldn't be shagging in toilets, neither should straight people, they should get a room and you have to admit this is going to have great comedy repercussions when the door flies open and there is granny with her knickers round her ankles... lol
Well, they shouldn't be shagging in toilets, neither should straight people, they should get a room and you have to admit this is going to have great comedy repercussions when the door flies open and there is granny with her knickers round her ankles... lol


Seriously, I don't want to be standing there, and have the stall door fly open on some guy still wiping his ass. I dont' wanna see that!
Not cool. I don't want the toilet stall door flying open on me, if I haven't finished going to the bathroom. I mean, what are they going to say?: "You have five minutes to poop, or the door is going to fly open" ?

Well you know, that Republican Congressman was just busted for this. I love Buzzflash's headline:

Bob Allen, a Florida Republican State Rep., Allegedly Offered to Blow an Undercover Cop for $20 Bucks in a City Park Washroom. The Man Who Used to Coach Little League and Is Married with Child is Our BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week. Not Only Is He, Allegedly, a Repressed Perv, He Goes Down Cheap Too! By the Way, Get a Load of the Bills He Co-Sponsored in the FL Legislature. Our Favorites: "Sexual Solicitation and Abuses, and Lewdness and Indecent Exposure."


But, no, this is stupid, and you know what? It's stupid for cops to be trolling bathrooms hoping some poor closet case makes them an offer. What a waste of taxpayer money. Who cares? Leave them alone.
What if you have a particularly long well... Crap. Yeah. You just have to suffer with the door opening?
Well you know, that Republican Congressman was just busted for this. I love Buzzflash's headline:

Bob Allen, a Florida Republican State Rep., Allegedly Offered to Blow an Undercover Cop for $20 Bucks in a City Park Washroom. The Man Who Used to Coach Little League and Is Married with Child is Our BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the Week. Not Only Is He, Allegedly, a Repressed Perv, He Goes Down Cheap Too! By the Way, Get a Load of the Bills He Co-Sponsored in the FL Legislature. Our Favorites: "Sexual Solicitation and Abuses, and Lewdness and Indecent Exposure."


But, no, this is stupid, and you know what? It's stupid for cops to be trolling bathrooms hoping some poor closet case makes them an offer. What a waste of taxpayer money. Who cares? Leave them alone.

HaHaHa....more family values republican nonsense.
Not cool. I don't want the toilet stall door flying open on me, if I haven't finished going to the bathroom. I mean, what are they going to say?: "You have five minutes to poop, or the door is going to fly open" ?
Anyone who comes up with a plan like that deserves to be thrown out of office
Well all I can say is....

if all you liberals would quit "playing with your pee pee in the tee pee"(stolen from Ellen)...the rest of us normal folks could enjoy some privacy...end of story
This is just ridiculous. There's probably much more heterosexual sex going on in those stalls anyway. Ever knocked on the door of the pizza hut bathroom and heard a girl moan "Just a minute!" right before that door starts shaking? I thought not. But it happened to me.

This is just ridiculous. There's probably much more heterosexual sex going on in those stalls anyway. Ever knocked on the door of the pizza hut bathroom and heard a girl moan "Just a minute!" right before that door starts shaking? I thought not. But it happened to me.

A pizza hut? Are you sure you were not at the "Mustang Ranch"? c'mon if this is true...which I have serious reservations as I believe ya were going for the 'shock' value...not shocked just thats a spicey Pizza Hut..such service to be had!..Give it a in a million is my best guess...!
A pizza hut? Are you sure you were not at the "Mustang Ranch"? c'mon if this is true...which I have serious reservations as I believe ya were going for the 'shock' value...not shocked just thats a spicey Pizza Hut..such service to be had!..Give it a in a million is my best guess...!

Well, nothing happened at that pizza hut. Except for a shaking door and a girl moaning. Nothing more to go on than that. Maybe she was having a very passionate shit. Who knows.
***sneaks in for a moment***

Well, nothing happened at that pizza hut. Except for a shaking door and a girl moaning. Nothing more to go on than that. Maybe she was having a very passionate shit. Who knows.

Just outta the shower...saw this and laughed like how was it Water? on a scale of ten...fair-medium or high? Damn now my night will be full of mystery everytime I hit the head to make room for another beer...what the hell ...why is that door shaking! Never mind just a "Passionate Shit":pke:
I guess this whole anti gay bathroom thing is a real slap in the face of the republicans. Where will they go now ?
I guess this whole anti gay bathroom thing is a real slap in the face of the republicans. Where will they go now ?

there's always the gay massage parlors (Ted Haggard), young vulnerable congressional pages (Foley), and gay prostitute services (Jeff Gannon/Guckert)
Now play fair....

there's always the gay massage parlors (Ted Haggard), young vulnerable congressional pages (Foley), and gay prostitute services (Jeff Gannon/Guckert)

Y'all have your super lib known as Barney Franks...who ran a Gay prostitution ring out of his home...I am sure someone can come up with a few more liberals on the hill with the same issues!
Y'all have your super lib known as Barney Franks...who ran a Gay prostitution ring out of his home...I am sure someone can come up with a few more liberals on the hill with the same issues!

Oh I am sure there are more libs out there with problems as well. However most of them are not nearly as hypocritical about it as the bible thumping moral high road cons are....

this is the real issue, not the behaviour. I personally do not care if someone is gay or sees ho's, that is a personal/family thing as far as I am concerned.
It is the hypocritical moral superiority thing that gripes my ass about them.
Well, nothing happened at that pizza hut. Except for a shaking door and a girl moaning. Nothing more to go on than that. Maybe she was having a very passionate shit. Who knows.
Amusingly -- at least from my perspective, coupled with a certain amount of shame-faced embarrassment -- I've been on the other side of that door, as it were. It was many years ago and in a bar called The Starry Plough -- sorry AnyOld but, yes, I was one of Those -- rather than a a low class place like Pizza Hut, but I'm not unfamiliar with the need to have sex in public lavatory stalls. "Need" is, here, a very subjective term, naturally.

Yon Mayor is an ass and, oh yeah, Battleborne's jealous.