McAfee directed my website to dirty domains


Email from Mcafee:

Upon investigation, we’ve had the domain classified Green (Minimal Risk) since 2018, but that its related IP address has associated dirty domains, which cause the IP reputation to be classified Medium Risk to protect our customers.

This IP classification may in some cases have been what some customers may have observed in the past. Today, we’ve made a modification in our database to dis-associate the IP reputation from the domain, so that all customers will see Minimal Risk for the domain.

My Reply:

Since October 2018, my website was hosted with and they have secured servers. My website had "https". How did the ip address point to dirty domains. I know "mother" word in used in sex/porn websites. Crocodiles are dangerous.

See my website I removed his website url (100% safe)

Because of false virus/malware alerts my website lost 88% real visitors so no income for me since October 2018. Now my website is on free hosting for life with Less safety and feature now. There is risk, all because of nonsense in Mcafee's database.

My website must be given top priority by Mcafee for clearance
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