We’ve got a Republican frontrunner…

And it’s all over if you’re a conservative.

Senator John McCain is supposed to be “OUR” choice. Yes, McCain.. McCAmnesty… The RINO… The Republican in Name Only…

The Cuban community was the swing vote for McCain in Florida last night. Republicans turned out in low numbers. It was bad.

McCain’s wildly out of touch with conservatism on literally every aspect imaginable: Illegal immigration, taxes, business, FREEDOM OF SPEECH, and, contrary to popular belief, many, MANY aspects of the War on Terror.

Yes, he IS a vet. He is a former prisoner of war. He’s a war hero… And a real one, unlike John Kerry.

But that does NOT qualify one to be the leader of the free world.

This so-called “maverick” wants to turn the United States into the Northenmost state of Mexico… What makes him tick is beyond me.

Don’t believe me? Just look at his voting record. That’s all it takes.


How can America have such a short attention span?!

McCain forgot what national sovereignty is… a long time ago.

Here’s the bottom line: McCain is a hothead. McCain scares me.


I realize I’m stretching when I say this, but who WOULD be better? John McCain or Barrack Obama?

What if it comes down to McCain v. Clinton? How on earth would you vote?

This year, conservatism risks positively no trace of representation.

And guess what, California? McCain leads in our state.

I had to extend my “venting” a little more this morning…
The Republican party is controlled by insane globalists focused on subverting all nations into their one world fascistic theocratic order, as is the Democrat Party, and "leaders" in most areas.

Call it new age, call it Olam Ha Ba. It's all a bunch of bullshit.
There's some good actual conservative opinion in that thread.

check this

If anyone has any misgivings about John McClown the below link will reinforce them. McCain is an evil, duplicitous, lying, conniving snake in the Mexican grass who WILL sell out this country. Anyone who has a raving reconquista open borders Mexican government official on his campaign staff while lying to the American people by saying that he will secure the borders and stop illegal immigration is NOT to be trusted. I watched the debate and McCain had that look about him that seemed to state I have these gringos hooked and once they elect me into office I will immediately cede the presidency and function as vice president under Felipe Calderon, our true president. Anyone who reads the above webpage better have plenty of pepto bismal as the bearded horse’s posterior Juan Valdez Hernandez will induce extreme sickness and nausea for which I cannot take responsibility.

Why did you post such a retarded article?

To show that the "angry right" is starting to split from the moderate right. The Republican party is falling apart. The rifts that are developing are far greater than the Obama-Hillary rift everyones been talking about. They even have a nickname - "MCamnesty". Good god, we need to spread that everywhere.

This guy, BTW, I can't read his blog without getting red in the face because it's so ignorant. But it does prove a point, doesn't it?
To show that the "angry right" is starting to split from the moderate right. The Republican party is falling apart. The rifts that are developing are far greater than the Obama-Hillary rift everyones been talking about.

This guy, BTW, I can't read his blog without getting red in the face because it's so ignorant. But it does prove a point, doesn't it?

It's intelligent, stupidass. Globalism is a lie to tell westerners so they won't notice as they're being destroyed. Wake up.
It's intelligent, stupidass. Globalism is a lie to tell westerners so they won't notice as they're being destroyed. Wake up.

His blog is one long, angry, nonsensical rant. I don't know how anyone couldn't be shocked by such ignorance, and the fact that people aren't is one of the thigns that is destroying this nation.

Take America back... from angry, fearful right-wing radio.
His blog is one long, angry, nonsensical rant. I don't know how anyone couldn't be shocked by such ignorance, and the fact that people aren't is one of the thigns that is destroying this nation.

Take America back... from angry, fearful right-wing radio.

There are tons of great comments on there. Most of them accurate.