McCain: Iraq War Mismanagement is all Rumsfield's fault.


Villified User
McCain: Iraq War Mismanaged for Years

Feb 19 3:19 PM US/Eastern

Associated Press Writer

BLUFFTON, S.C. (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate John McCain said Monday the war in Iraq has been mismanaged for years and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld will be remembered as one of the worst in history.

"We are paying a very heavy price for the mismanagement _ that's the kindest word I can give you _ of Donald Rumsfeld, of this war," the Arizona senator told an overflow crowd of more than 800 at a retirement community near Hilton Head Island, S.C. "The price is very, very heavy and I regret it enormously."

McCain, the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, complained that Rumsfeld never put enough troops on the ground to succeed in Iraq.

"I think that Donald Rumsfeld will go down in history as one of the worst secretaries of defense in history," McCain said to applause.

The comments were in sharp contrast to McCain's statement when Rumsfeld resigned in November, and failed to address the reality that President Bush is the commander in chief.
McCain is down the drain.
Rumsfield is to blame.
The shrub is driving the train.
McCain will not use his name
what is this flip flopping moron doing? He's been this war's biggest cheerleader, and he's trying to blame it on someone else? Ain't gonna work John. The blood is on your hands, and much as its on rumsfeld. The GOP congress sat by in dead silence for three years, not exercising its oversight function, while bush bungled his way through this war.

Hillary is almost as bad as mccain - she won't admit she made a mistake voting for bush's war.
It must have been those darned liberals that nominated Rummy.

I think Oldtimers has set in on MCCain. That is the only logical reason for his action.
It must have been those darned liberals that nominated Rummy.

I think Oldtimers has set in on MCCain. That is the only logical reason for his action.
He's pulling the same crap the appologists did at the end of the Vietnamization of Vietnam. "We could've won if we only hadn't [fill in the blank]." Blank typically filled in with:

1) had so many damned hippies protesting the war
2) allowed the military to really fight the damned war

Both of these are utterly braindead stupidity, of course, but they make the lamers feel better for some reason.

In other words, the war is lost and those who started it are pointing fingers.