APP - McConnell is an idiot. This is a huge mistake

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

McConnell's inner democrat is showing again. The democrats are playing politics and instead of dealing with it like a man, McConnell takes the easy way out and changes the rules. The way to deal with the democrat party is to actually make them debate for 30 hours on the floor of the Senate. And schedule the debate for 2am in the morning.

I would also make them filibuster. An actual filibuster. But, McConnell is too weak. He is pathetic.
meh.. i don't know man. I think it's more important to get our nominees through. there isn't much of a point to drag this out, it doesn't give our side political points because people aren't really paying attention to judicial nominations unless it's for the supreme court. we have nothing to prove, lets ram these judges down liberals throats.
Let's not forget that DEMOCRATS change the rules of the Senate when they can if it suits them.
meh.. i don't know man. I think it's more important to get our nominees through. there isn't much of a point to drag this out, it doesn't give our side political points because people aren't really paying attention to judicial nominations unless it's for the supreme court. we have nothing to prove, lets ram these judges down liberals throats.

Very astute observation. We have a change to cripple the liberal agenda for a generation to come. I say grab it like it's a pussy!