McConnell's GOP caucus now in an all-out defensive crouch clinging to seats

Crouching cowering crackas

Senate Republicans, led by McConnell, fell all over themselves to make sure Trump was at the helm when the pandemic hit U.S. shores. Now, what once looked like a promising cycle for Senate Republicans has turned entirely treacherous precisely because the caucus is saddled with Trump as their standard bearer.

McConnell is having trouble in Kentucky. Nationwide the GOP is realizing that Trump is a loser.

Make checks payable to:

Amy McGrath for Senate
P.O. Box 95
Lexington, KY 40588
(859) 402-3959
I look forward to Mitch and his Bitch to pack up and head back to Kentucky as they lose their jobs on November 3rd with Donald Trump's shit stains on them for the rest of their lives!