McConnell’s Merger


Verified User
The minute a viable political party challenges the Parasite Party’s rule —— Republicans and Democrats will come out of the Two Party closet; i.e., pool their big money contributors, share the same positions of power and influence and so on. In fact, welfare state policies and Internationalism prove that every position of political power is already shared equally by Republicans and Democrats on every level of government.

NOTE: The Republican Party’s undeniable betrayals on socialized medicine, on amnesty, on open-borders, etc. tells me that the ruling class is well-prepared for the merger.

I always said that the U.S. Senate became a nest of traitors when it handed this country to the United Nations in 1945. Senator Mitch McConnell is now in the process of negotiating a merger between Establishment Republican traitors and Communist Democrat traitors. Obviously, freedom-loving conservative Americans have been barred from taking part in the negotiations.

Next: A whole lot of trusted conservative Americans have to win elections in 2022.

“My goal is, in every way possible, to have nominees representing the Republican Party who can win in November,” McConnell told Politico. “Some of them may be people the former president likes. Some of them may not be. The only thing I care about is electability.”

McConnell threatens to oppose Trump-backed Senate candidates if they are not electable
Benjamin leo
17 hours ago

As far back as the LBJ years Establishment Republicans and Democrats conspired on every big ticket item in a predictable merger. Indeed, they avoided the merger longer than their conspiracy anticipated. (Ross Perot’s failed Third Party bid came close to forcing the merger in 1992.)

Republicans & Democrats deciding on how to make the merger look good to the public is the only sticking point that has to be worked out. In short: Neither side can be seen as getting too much out of the merger —— especially when both sides are giving away everything they do not own to the New World Order crowd; i.e., the U.S. Constitution, individual liberties, national borders, and national sovereignty.

Here is McConnell’s opening maneuvers engineered to defeat the American people:

Just how much does Mitch McConnell despise President Trump and his MAGA movement? While playing coy for weeks about his intentions before finally voting to acquit the president in an impeachment trial more preposterous than last year's farce, he immediately took to the Senate floor to lay the blame for the events of January 6 entirely at the president's feet. McConnell not only accused President Trump of being personally liable for any potential crimes committed that day by others (in effect, teeing up civil lawsuits for monetary damages directly against the president), but also suggested that private citizen Trump could be criminally prosecuted in the future for setting those events in motion by daring to question the results of the 2020 election. It was one more biting betrayal from the Republican machine against a man who has shown the Republican Party much more loyalty than it has ever offered him in return.

Republicans failed to stand for anything:

Senate Republicans' refusal to unanimously stand up for the free speech of a sitting president is inexcusable — especially during a time when Big Tech is engaging in an unprecedented campaign of censorship against ordinary Americans and Democrats are openly advocating for the criminalization of viewpoints with which they disagree. Republicans had a chance to take a united stand for the First Amendment while it remains under sustained attack by those who wish it to be weakened; instead, out of hatred for President Trump or foolish naïveté as to the real threats against free speech in the United States, they failed miserably.

In a kangaroo court so overtly political that even Chief Justice "Obamacare is just a tax" Roberts refused to participate, Patrick Leahy, the Senate's longest serving Democrat, presided over the "trial" as "judge." That was the least of its problems. Evidence against the president was doctored willy-nilly in an attempt to secure his conviction. Neither body of Congress examined witnesses publicly under oath. And nobody seemed to comprehend what elements of "criminal insurrection" or "incitement" actually needed to be proved to establish a case. The lack of any due process for the president was comical, and the absence of any impartiality from the preening cast of prima donnas pretending to conduct a serious trial made the chaos look like a scene straight out of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. If the Senate couldn't pull off a conviction with such legal buffoonery slamming the scales of justice down in its favor, then no prosecutor before a real court of law could, either. McConnell should have mocked the whole affair as obscene.

Instead, his decision to browbeat the president right after finding him "not guilty" reeked of cowardice. He gave every appearance of having raised a wet index finger in the air before determining how to proceed, and when it was clear from recent polling that Republican voters had not abandoned President Trump en masse, as McConnell no doubt had hoped, the minority leader decided to turn King Solomon's wisdom on its head by cutting the impeachment baby squarely in half — acquitting the president on procedural grounds while verbally excoriating him nonetheless. It was a striking reminder that, with President Trump now sidelined from power, two-faced, stand-for-nothing Republican leadership is back on top. O glory days!

And McConnell would rather destroy the MAGA movement than ever win again:

It was also the most direct proof yet that McConnell and Establishment Republicans would rather remain in the minority forever than allow Trump's pro-American, middle-class, colorblind, cross-party coalition of voters to fortify itself into a permanent governing powerhouse.

President Trump threw Republican orthodoxy out the window by pursuing policies that (1) strengthened American manufacturing and Main Street business at the expense of Wall Street, (2) protected citizens from the social and economic harms of unmitigated, illegal immigration, (3) kept American troops from endless military engagements, and (4) unabashedly promoted the vast accomplishments of Western Civilization. In doing so, he expanded the Republican Party more than any politician since President Reagan.

And how have D.C. Republicans responded to this unexpected gift from an unexpected yet dynamic leader? They've done everything they can to squander it. Better to remain the little sister of the Uniparty in control of the national government than to recognize a once sleeping dragon across America is now wide awake. Standing from a bird's eye perch in D.C., Mitch McConnell has chosen to destroy the new party Donald Trump has grown and invigorated and to ignore the MAGA coalition that he created. He would rather pursue a Romney-Cheney permanent micro-minority for the Republican Party's future than buttress a new governing coalition that he cannot control.

Let that sink in.

With parts of the country on lockdown, schools closed, and a volatile market making Americans justifiably nervous, Democrats and their Republican enablers decided that damaging President Trump (and pre-emptively torpedoing his return in '24) was still their most pressing concern. That's a pretty sobering admission of just how popular President Trump's policies really are. Congress is more afraid of him and the transformational change he represents than it is of a hostile China, a worldwide pandemic, a Cold Civil War here in the U.S., or the potential for a complete global economic collapse. We are so far "through the looking-glass" now that Alice's Wonderland seems more believable.

President Reagan's "Eleventh Commandment" always echoes in the back of my head, but what McConnell and Establishment Republicans have perpetrated against President Trump by first giving the Russia collusion hoax bipartisan credibility for years and then sitting meekly back as Democrats pushed not one, but two overtly political impeachments is so slimy and reptilian that I find it difficult to believe that commandments weigh on their consciences much at all.

If the Republican Party does, indeed, wither and die in the near future, it is this kind of underhanded duplicity that will finally do it in.

The Lincoln Project grifters and the small but vociferous collection of NeverTrump voices celebrated by the Democrat-allied press have been screaming for five years that Donald Trump would doom Republican electoral prospects. Seventy-five million voters in 2020 proved those soothsayers as nothing more than charlatans.

What is destroying the Republican Party before our eyes is its abject refusal to listen to the wishes of its voters and its natural predilection to stab those voters from behind whenever possible. That's not exactly the kind of "chicken soup for the soul" that's likely to endear the Republican Party to its base. McConnell's bitter turtle soup, in fact, may just turn off voters permanently.

February 20, 2021
McConnell's Bitter Turtle Soup
By J.B. Shurk

p.s. The late Senator Ted Kennedy (1932 - 2009) betrayed the country for 47 years in the Senate. Kennedy’s pal Senator Joe Biden betrayed the country for 36 years in the Senate. Senator McConnell has been betraying the country for 37 years in the Senate, but fate handed him the task of effecting the merger.

McConnell will get all of the help he needs from President Joe Biden.
Last edited:
Here is McConnell’s opening maneuvers engineered to defeat the American people:

As well as nullify nullification.


Nullification Is The Rightful Remedy
By Ray DiLorenzo
February 20, 2021

The omnipotent forces behind McConnell’s merger spent too many decades and too much money acquiring the federal government's levers of power to allow States’ rights to wipe out their investment now.
The omnipotent forces behind McConnell’s merger spent too many decades and too much money acquiring the federal government's levers of power to allow States’ rights to wipe out their investment now.

States and cities nibbled away at the Second Amendment by passing more than 40,000 anti-gun laws —— background checks is the worst of those laws. As far as I know, not one of those local laws was ever overturned by a federal court. Oddly enough, defending the Second Amendment should be fought as a States’ rights issue rather than fought on the federal government’s battlefield.

In short: The constitutional Right to bear arms never had a better ally than Newton County, Missouri:

“The states,” she wrote, “must use all measures to hold the line on 2A.”

Wow - Missouri County Passes an Act Empowering Sheriffs to Arrest Feds Who Try to Confiscate Guns
By Alex Parker
Feb 21, 2021 10:45 PM ET

p.s. As Democrat Party Communists/Socialists ignore and abolish more and more of the U. S. Constitution the Right to bear arms must be declared absolute more than ever before. Before you disagree, compare the governing abilities of today’s ruling class to the governing abilities of these men:

Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty, teeth and keystone under independence. The church, the plow, the prairie wagon and citizens' firearms are indelibly related. From the hour the pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurrences and tendencies prove that, to ensure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. Every corner of this land knows firearms, and more than 99 and 99/100 percent of them by their silence indicate that they are in safe and sane hands. The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil influence. They deserve a place of honor with all that's good. When firearms go, all goes. We need them every hour. George Washington's address to the second session of the First U.S. Congress


The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that ... it is their right and duty to be at all times armed. Thomas Jefferson


The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. Thomas Jefferson


The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it. Thomas Jefferson


What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. Thomas Jefferson to James Madison


A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercise, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball and others of that nature are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks. Thomas Jefferson's advice to his 15-year-old nephew


I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them. George Mason, Co-author of the Second Amendment, during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution, 1788


And we do each of us, for ourselves respectively, promise and engage to keep a good firelock in proper order, & to furnish ourselves as soon as possible with, & always keep by us, one pound of gunpowder, four pounds of lead, one dozen gunflints, & a pair of bullet moulds, with a cartouch box, or powder horn, and bag for balls. George Mason


Among the natural rights of the colonists are these: first, a right to life, secondly to liberty, thirdly to property; together with the right to defend them in the best manner they can. Samuel Adams


"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." Samuel Adams


Arms in the hands of the citizens may be used at individual discretion for the defense of the country, the overthrow of tyranny or private self-defense. John Adams


They tell us that we are weak -- unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Three million people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Patrick Henry


Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined. The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able may have a gun. Patrick Henry


The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The balance of power is the scale of peace. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside. Horrid mischief would ensue were one half the world deprived of the use of them; the weak would become a prey to the strong. Thomas Paine


It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government. Thomas Paine


"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword, because the whole of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops." Noah Webster
The minute a viable political party challenges the Parasite Party’s rule —— Republicans and Democrats will come out of the Two Party closet; i.e., pool their big money contributors, share the same positions of power and influence and so on. In fact, welfare state policies and Internationalism prove that every position of political power is already shared equally by Republicans and Democrats on every level of government.

NOTE: The Republican Party’s undeniable betrayals on socialized medicine, on amnesty, on open-borders, etc. tells me that the ruling class is well-prepared for the merger.

I always said that the U.S. Senate became a nest of traitors when it handed this country to the United Nations in 1945. Senator Mitch McConnell is now in the process of negotiating a merger between Establishment Republican traitors and Communist Democrat traitors. Obviously, freedom-loving conservative Americans have been barred from taking part in the negotiations.

Next: A whole lot of trusted conservative Americans have to win elections in 2022.

“My goal is, in every way possible, to have nominees representing the Republican Party who can win in November,” McConnell told Politico. “Some of them may be people the former president likes. Some of them may not be. The only thing I care about is electability.”

McConnell threatens to oppose Trump-backed Senate candidates if they are not electable
Benjamin leo
17 hours ago

As far back as the LBJ years Establishment Republicans and Democrats conspired on every big ticket item in a predictable merger. Indeed, they avoided the merger longer than their conspiracy anticipated. (Ross Perot’s failed Third Party bid came close to forcing the merger in 1992.)

Republicans & Democrats deciding on how to make the merger look good to the public is the only sticking point that has to be worked out. In short: Neither side can be seen as getting too much out of the merger —— especially when both sides are giving away everything they do not own to the New World Order crowd; i.e., the U.S. Constitution, individual liberties, national borders, and national sovereignty.

Here is McConnell’s opening maneuvers engineered to defeat the American people:

Just how much does Mitch McConnell despise President Trump and his MAGA movement? While playing coy for weeks about his intentions before finally voting to acquit the president in an impeachment trial more preposterous than last year's farce, he immediately took to the Senate floor to lay the blame for the events of January 6 entirely at the president's feet. McConnell not only accused President Trump of being personally liable for any potential crimes committed that day by others (in effect, teeing up civil lawsuits for monetary damages directly against the president), but also suggested that private citizen Trump could be criminally prosecuted in the future for setting those events in motion by daring to question the results of the 2020 election. It was one more biting betrayal from the Republican machine against a man who has shown the Republican Party much more loyalty than it has ever offered him in return.

Republicans failed to stand for anything:

Senate Republicans' refusal to unanimously stand up for the free speech of a sitting president is inexcusable — especially during a time when Big Tech is engaging in an unprecedented campaign of censorship against ordinary Americans and Democrats are openly advocating for the criminalization of viewpoints with which they disagree. Republicans had a chance to take a united stand for the First Amendment while it remains under sustained attack by those who wish it to be weakened; instead, out of hatred for President Trump or foolish naïveté as to the real threats against free speech in the United States, they failed miserably.

In a kangaroo court so overtly political that even Chief Justice "Obamacare is just a tax" Roberts refused to participate, Patrick Leahy, the Senate's longest serving Democrat, presided over the "trial" as "judge." That was the least of its problems. Evidence against the president was doctored willy-nilly in an attempt to secure his conviction. Neither body of Congress examined witnesses publicly under oath. And nobody seemed to comprehend what elements of "criminal insurrection" or "incitement" actually needed to be proved to establish a case. The lack of any due process for the president was comical, and the absence of any impartiality from the preening cast of prima donnas pretending to conduct a serious trial made the chaos look like a scene straight out of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. If the Senate couldn't pull off a conviction with such legal buffoonery slamming the scales of justice down in its favor, then no prosecutor before a real court of law could, either. McConnell should have mocked the whole affair as obscene.

Instead, his decision to browbeat the president right after finding him "not guilty" reeked of cowardice. He gave every appearance of having raised a wet index finger in the air before determining how to proceed, and when it was clear from recent polling that Republican voters had not abandoned President Trump en masse, as McConnell no doubt had hoped, the minority leader decided to turn King Solomon's wisdom on its head by cutting the impeachment baby squarely in half — acquitting the president on procedural grounds while verbally excoriating him nonetheless. It was a striking reminder that, with President Trump now sidelined from power, two-faced, stand-for-nothing Republican leadership is back on top. O glory days!

And McConnell would rather destroy the MAGA movement than ever win again:

It was also the most direct proof yet that McConnell and Establishment Republicans would rather remain in the minority forever than allow Trump's pro-American, middle-class, colorblind, cross-party coalition of voters to fortify itself into a permanent governing powerhouse.

President Trump threw Republican orthodoxy out the window by pursuing policies that (1) strengthened American manufacturing and Main Street business at the expense of Wall Street, (2) protected citizens from the social and economic harms of unmitigated, illegal immigration, (3) kept American troops from endless military engagements, and (4) unabashedly promoted the vast accomplishments of Western Civilization. In doing so, he expanded the Republican Party more than any politician since President Reagan.

And how have D.C. Republicans responded to this unexpected gift from an unexpected yet dynamic leader? They've done everything they can to squander it. Better to remain the little sister of the Uniparty in control of the national government than to recognize a once sleeping dragon across America is now wide awake. Standing from a bird's eye perch in D.C., Mitch McConnell has chosen to destroy the new party Donald Trump has grown and invigorated and to ignore the MAGA coalition that he created. He would rather pursue a Romney-Cheney permanent micro-minority for the Republican Party's future than buttress a new governing coalition that he cannot control.

Let that sink in.

With parts of the country on lockdown, schools closed, and a volatile market making Americans justifiably nervous, Democrats and their Republican enablers decided that damaging President Trump (and pre-emptively torpedoing his return in '24) was still their most pressing concern. That's a pretty sobering admission of just how popular President Trump's policies really are. Congress is more afraid of him and the transformational change he represents than it is of a hostile China, a worldwide pandemic, a Cold Civil War here in the U.S., or the potential for a complete global economic collapse. We are so far "through the looking-glass" now that Alice's Wonderland seems more believable.

President Reagan's "Eleventh Commandment" always echoes in the back of my head, but what McConnell and Establishment Republicans have perpetrated against President Trump by first giving the Russia collusion hoax bipartisan credibility for years and then sitting meekly back as Democrats pushed not one, but two overtly political impeachments is so slimy and reptilian that I find it difficult to believe that commandments weigh on their consciences much at all.

If the Republican Party does, indeed, wither and die in the near future, it is this kind of underhanded duplicity that will finally do it in.

The Lincoln Project grifters and the small but vociferous collection of NeverTrump voices celebrated by the Democrat-allied press have been screaming for five years that Donald Trump would doom Republican electoral prospects. Seventy-five million voters in 2020 proved those soothsayers as nothing more than charlatans.

What is destroying the Republican Party before our eyes is its abject refusal to listen to the wishes of its voters and its natural predilection to stab those voters from behind whenever possible. That's not exactly the kind of "chicken soup for the soul" that's likely to endear the Republican Party to its base. McConnell's bitter turtle soup, in fact, may just turn off voters permanently.

February 20, 2021
McConnell's Bitter Turtle Soup
By J.B. Shurk

p.s. The late Senator Ted Kennedy (1932 - 2009) betrayed the country for 47 years in the Senate. Kennedy’s pal Senator Joe Biden betrayed the country for 36 years in the Senate. Senator McConnell has been betraying the country for 37 years in the Senate, but fate handed him the task of effecting the merger.

McConnell will get all of the help he needs from President Joe Biden.

Who's got time to read a book???????????????
Who's got time to read a book???????????????

To Trumpet: Not bumper sticker mentalities like you.

These two articles are way over your head, but intelligent posters on JPP who take the time to analyze everything they read will see that both pieces are an extension of my themes in this thread:

Of course, the actual destruction of communist forces took widespread revolts and rebellions. But if we can make the cost more painful to our socialist overlords [McConnell’s Merger] now, the long term goals can shift and the final outcome can change. Bureaucracy is the pillar our government uses to oppress us. Lucky for us it’s made out of glass and easy to bring down. Hiqja qimen thiut, comrades.

February 22, 2021
Overthrowing Communism, Surprisingly Easy?
By Taylor Day


What our political-media class defines as “normal” is the entrenchment of elitism sprinkled with a few radical ideas for the purposes of virtue signaling and appeasing the extremists and wannabe revolutionaries embraced by the “That Party At Lenny’s” establishment. It’s about extending power and status and keeping the country on the road to serfdom, where inside-the-bubble elitists rule rather than govern [compare the governing abilities of today’s ruling class to the governing abilities of these men] or persuade. If this is normal, we prefer deviancy

A Word About The Biden Return To ‘Normalcy’
I & I Editorial Board
February 22, 2021
Democrats love States’ rights when a state law advances democracy.

States and cities nibbled away at the Second Amendment by passing more than 40,000 anti-gun laws —— background checks is the worst of those laws. As far as I know, not one of those local laws was ever overturned by a federal court. Oddly enough, defending the Second Amendment should be fought as a States’ rights issue rather than fought on the federal government’s battlefield.

Apparently, Socialists/Communists no longer have to pass laws to get whatever they want:

"Yet both before and after the 2020 election, nonlegislative officials in various States took it upon themselves to set the rules instead," he wrote.

3 Supreme justices: 2020 election practices could have 'catastrophic' consequences
By Bob Unruh
Published February 22, 2021 at 11:10am