McConnell’s Secret Conspiracy


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Now you know why McConnell would not allow witnesses:

It's not only former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter who have been accused of have nefarious connections to Ukraine.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry, Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, Bill and Hillary Clinton, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and left-wing billionaire activist George Soros also have been named in investigative reporting, points out the Gateway Pundit's Joe Hoft.

Hunter Biden is known for receiving more than $3 million from the corrupt Ukrainian firm Burisma, beginning two months after his father became Obama's point man for Ukraine policy. Joe Biden is on record boasting that he pressured Ukraine, with the threat of withholding aid, to fire the country's general prosecutor while he was investigating Burisma.

On Sunday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who is pressing for investigation of the Bidens, scolded "Face the Nation" host Margaret Brennan, saying establishment media is "so in the tank" on the Biden scandal.

John Kerry

Regarding Kerry, Hoft pointed out that in early 2014, the former Massachusetts senator visited Ukraine and offered $1 billion in aid shortly after protesters took over the government. At the time, the Russian-backed president fled to Moscow and Russia invaded Ukraine.

Also in early 2014, Kerry's top campaign fundraiser, Devon Archer, visited Biden in the White House. Biden then visited the campaign, and Archer, along with Hunter Biden, were named to the board of Burisma Holdings, Ukraine's largest natural gas producer.

Hoft noted the Russian advance into Ukraine was suddenly stopped by a mercenary army assembled by billionaire banker Igor Kolomoisky, who some to believe to be the owner of Burisma.

Burisma hired Kerry's former chief of staff, David Leiter, as a lobbyist, noted Hoft.

Kolomoisky had been placed on the U.S. visa ban list, but the ban was soon removed.

The month before Biden's last trip to Ukraine, all investigations of Burisma were closed. On Biden's last day in office, Burisma and the Democratic Party-connected Atlantic Council signed cooperation agreements.

Hoft pointed out that a video has surfaced of Kerry bragging that he, Obama and Biden wanted the Ukrainian prosecutor looking into Burisma, Viktor Shokin, to be fired.

Mitt Romney

Meanwhile, the Huffington Post reported that shortly after President Trump was inaugurated, a former top CIA official reported to be a top Romney aide joined the board of Burisma.

Joseph Cofer Black was hired to lead the company’s security and strategic development efforts, the report said.


Then there's the Clintons, who received millions from Ukrainians over the years in donations to their family foundation.

From 2009 to 2013, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, which is headquartered in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, the Wall Street Journal reported.

In 2008, Pinchuk pledged a five-year, $29 million commitment to the Clinton Global Initiative for a program to train future Ukrainian leaders "to modernize Ukraine."

Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi's son Paul Pelosi Jr., who went to Ukraine in 2017, was a board member of Viscoil and executive at its related company NRGLab, which did energy business in Ukraine.

Shortly after his mother became the first woman speaker, he was hired by InfoUSA for $180,000 a year as its vice president for Strategic Planning, a no-show job for which he was not qualified. The firm is also connected to the Clintons.

George Soros

Last October, the Gateway Pundit reported Obama's State and Justice Departments were assisting Soros in an attempt to control Ukraine.

Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York and President Trump's attorney, said in a recent interview the corruption in the Ukraine doesn't stop with the Bidens, naming Soros as well.

See Giuliani in a Fox News interview:

The Epoch Times reported Soros and a group of wealthy donors from New York and California paid $50 million to sustain the investigation of Trump by former British spy Christopher Steele, the research firm Fusion GPS and a former staffer for Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California.

The revelation, the Epoch Times said, is part of the final report on Russian interference in the 2016 election released April 27 by the House Intelligence Committee. The report concluded there was no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Former Feinstein staffer Daniel Jones, according to a footnote in the report, told the FBI in March 2017 that he was working on a project with Fusion GPS that "was being funded by 7 to 10 wealthy donors located primarily in New York and California, who provided approximately $50 million."

Further, investigative reporter John Solomon, then writing for the Hill, reported Soros "made some big bets during the last U.S. presidential election."

One was that Hillary Clinton would win the presidency. Another was that he could reshape Ukraine’s government to his liking and that his business empire might prosper in the former Soviet republic

When Trump's campaign gained momentum in the spring of 2016, Soros sought help from the State Department to protect some of his investments, according to department memos obtained by Citizens United.

Then-Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland received repeated calls, emails and meeting requests from Soros, according to the memos.

For example, when Ukraine's general prosecutor in 2016 sought to investigate a non-profit partially funded by Soros, the State Department pressured Ukrainian officials to drop the case.

Not just Bidens! Kerry, Romney, Clintons, Pelosi, Soros are ALL tied to Ukraine
WND Staff By WND Staff
Published February 10, 2020 at 8:19pm

Every American knew that acquitting President Trump’s was a forgone conclusion. Now that the impeachment trial is over not too many Americans realize that Mitch McConnell is not technically guilty of taking part in a conspiracy. It takes more than one to call it a conspiracy, but McConnell singlehandedly ACQUITTED HILLARY CLINTON OF TREASON.

When McConnell announces that Democrats cannot call their witnesses television mouths will make it look like Malfeasance Mitch was being unfair. The truth is: President Trump cannot call and question witnesses in his defense —— specifically asking Hillary Clinton about the Steele Dossier.

NOTE: Covering up for Hillary Clinton has been a conspiracy engineered by the DoJ from the day Donald Trump won the election.


The unwritten rule “The crime is too big to punish.” is Hillary’s greatest protection and she knows it.

Outsider Trump might break the rule. That is why every Senator is running scared. Basically, McConnell only needs a few votes to stop Trump from questioning Hillary while the rest of them will still look good to voters after Trump is acquitted.

Giving the Democrats their witnesses while not allowing Trump’s lawyers to call witnesses in Trump’s defense was too obvious. That was not much of a problem for the Senate’s ‘master tactician’ —— no witnesses for either side and end the trial posthaste. That is Clausewitz McConnell’s secret:


Just to be on the safe side McConnell handed out these cards to every crook and traitor:

Former Senators John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden do need cards. Call them an insurance policy because they are protected by the “Too big to punish.” rule.

Di Fi and Mitt Romney are doubly-protected because they are sitting senators, but their staffers, Daniel Jones and Joseph Cofer Black might start looking for lawyers.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was first on McConnell’s Christmas Card list.

McConnell’s card cannot protect George Soros from being deported.

Finally, a charge of treason against Hunter Biden is a bridge too far, while his “Stay Out of Jail” protection is worthless against a criminal charge in a criminal court. To make matters worse, Senile Joe Biden and Barack Obama no longer have enough authority to save Hunter’s ass.

Shoeless Joe took a bum rap:

Senile Joe deserves everything he gets:

The spectacular collapse of Joe Biden as the Democrats’ front-runner
By Ebony Bowden
February 11, 2020 | 11:49pm

Finally, a charge of treason against Hunter Biden is a bridge too far, while his “Stay Out of Jail” protection is worthless against a criminal charge in a criminal court. To make matters worse, Senile Joe Biden and Barack Obama no longer have enough authority to save Hunter’s ass.
Call this one Diarrhea Mouth’s golden parachute:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, bought up to $11 million worth of Big Tech stocks in the last two months as an anti-tech package of bills makes its way through the House at the same time.
by Nihal Krishan
|July 08, 2021 11:16 AM$11m-big-tech-stocks-google-apple-amazon

Larceny runs in the family:

Nancy Pelosi's son Paul Pelosi Jr., who went to Ukraine in 2017, was a board member of Viscoil and executive at its related company NRGLab, which did energy business in Ukraine.

Shortly after his mother became the first woman speaker, he was hired by InfoUSA for $180,000 a year as its vice president for Strategic Planning, a no-show job for which he was not qualified. The firm is also connected to the Clintons.​

See dukkie, you need to up your game, add color and memes to go full Flanders.

It amazes me that he actually thinks someone is going to actually read all that endless copy and paste he pulls off of right wing websites. Other than a few fellow Red Hat Clubbers throwing in the token "yeah," the posts are abandoned