Md. Teachers Urged to Used Comic Books


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Md. Teachers Urged to Used Comic Books

BALTIMORE (AP) -- Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck could become regulars in elementary and middle school classrooms after Maryland's top educator encouraged teachers Thursday to use comic books to inspire students to read.

The state worked with Disney Publishing Worldwide and its educational division last year to develop a pilot project to put Mickey and Donald in eight third-grade classrooms.

I guess Bush does not want to be shown up the next time he visits a 3rd grade classroom...

We are being left in China and India's dust when it comes to education.
A damn sahme...
OMG! Aren't third grade kids kind of past Donald and Mickey? What's wrong with just making the reading enjoyable in and of itself, letting kids discover new things through reading? I think that Disney characters are too narrow and stilted for this. Kids need to be encouraged to use their visual imaginations to expand their own reading experience, not have everything handed to them like that; it's too confining.

By third grade I'd already been through all of Grimm's Fairy Tales by myself, plus several novels geared toward youngsters (Little Women, etc.) and read the paper on my own, too. If parents take part there's no reason a child can't enjoy the great expansion of his/her world that can come through reading and imagining the scenarios in what you've read.

On the other hand, there were also some pretty violent "comic" books around at that time, kind of realistic crime-type stuff. We weren't allowed to read them, but ... Anyway my parents always knew when one of those had been read as I woke up screaming ...
I could not afford comic books, but had a library card.

I guess gameboy teaching cartridges in school are next. with Sonic the speller hog.
Who runs our education system the kids or the adults ?