Meaning in Life: What Makes Our Lives Meaningful?


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Hybrid Theory​
The hybrid theory of meaning in life combines insights from subjectivism and objective accounts: a meaningful life provides fulfillment and does so through devotion to objectively valuable projects.

Hybrid theory differs from objective accounts because it insists that a meaningful life must also be fulfilling for the person living it. There are many such projects available to us, since there are many fulfilling ways, given our distinctive personalities and abilities, that we can engage with values like truth, justice, and beauty.
Education, self improvement, and a cultivation of inner strength and virtues.

My heuristics in this endeavor are Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, The Analects of Confucius, Marcus Aurelius and the principles of Stoicism.
Hybrid Theory​
The hybrid theory of meaning in life combines insights from subjectivism and objective accounts: a meaningful life provides fulfillment and does so through devotion to objectively valuable projects.

Hybrid theory differs from objective accounts because it insists that a meaningful life must also be fulfilling for the person living it. There are many such projects available to us, since there are many fulfilling ways, given our distinctive personalities and abilities, that we can engage with values like truth, justice, and beauty.

My family.