Media Hides 8 Girls Alleged To Stab Man In Toronto All Muslim?! + Systemic Racism Rhe

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Media Hides 8 Girls Alleged To Stab Man In Toronto All Muslim?! + Systemic Racism Rhetoric

Whenever a Canadian non muslim citizen allegedly attacks a muslim the media is right there mentioning that the so called victim is a muslim while at the same time they always try to promote the islamaphobia lie and yet every time that a muslim attacks a non muslim Canadian they hide that it is a muslim who did the assault or murder.

Over the years in recent years I noticed that when the main stream media reported an incident where a muslim attacked a non muslim here in Canada the media would not give you such details as it was a muslim committing the crime but I also found on social media sites that citizens were sharing proof that it was a muslim committing the violent crime and again the main stream media would keep silent about such very important information which tells me that the Canadian government suppressing the main stream media do it because they want Canadians to be clueless while they subject the citizens of Canada to a very real danger transpiring right here in Canada right under our noses.

So every time that the globalist sock puppet main stream media leaves out details about attackers such as the 8 girls allegedly stabbing a man in Toronto to death recently (also apparently attacked people throughout Toronto that night) that it is safe to assume that these are muslims every single time. Every time such happens and they leave out the information, it is safe to assume it was a muslim attacking a non muslkim because they are deliberately hiding that information while instead forcing the lie islamaphobe upon the Canadian public. Canadian citizen and you have every right to assume such. I'm not looking for the names of the girls, all I seek is confirmation that they are all muslims committing violent hate crimes against non muslim Canadian citizens of which again the main stream media stabs Canadians in the back to suit the globalist narrative by keeping the primary information from the public while they load the country with more muslims thus deliberately keeping the citizens of Canada as sheep while the violence against non muslims continues as it has for years now.

There is also a recent story of a so called student muslim in Mississauga being attacked by another student being painted as a potential hate crime while also spewing the islamaphobia lie.

Oh yes when it is a non muslim Canadian attacking a muslim the main stream media eagerly gives out that information to suit the globalist divide and conquer narrative as the Trudeau sock puppet government loads the country with more muslims illegally and otherwise. I'll get back to this topic of religion but first let's move on to this systemic racism rhetoric.

Also there is something they are trying to pass off on the public to also suit the globalist divide and conquer narrative of what they are now coining as systemic racism.

Perhaps you heard of the story of a black student in Toronto who 2 female and one male police officers pursued. Police claimed that the student resembled a criminal that they were trying to catch to get off of the street and apparently there is a video of the incident I have not seen but let's look at what transpired without even needing to see the video. OK let's think, first how many criminals when caught claim that they are someone else to try and get away and how many of them try and fight to get away? I am confident many criminals have tried one, the other or both when police need to verify who they caught is actually who they are looking for to arrest. So when a non criminal is looking like a criminal that police are attempting to catch, of course police are going to need to verify that the non criminal is who they say they are before letting them go. If the student co operated with the police and gave identification so police could verify that they are who they say they are and let them go or waited for verification without identification so the police could let them go unless the person is not co operating with police to get the verification. I find it obvious that this student did not co operate, likely argued and struggled with police instead of co operating knowing that he himself is not the criminal that they are looking for so he got tackled and tasered for fighting back and arguing instead of co operating. If police are thinking this is a criminal that they seek and the person fights them instead of co operates so police can verify who they are then it is justified as I see it for police to do what they did to prevent them from becoming victims by putting the student on the ground and tasering him to subdue a potential criminal that the police were actually looking for while trying to keep themselves from placing themselves in harms way. I am confident criminals fight all of the time but if a person is innocent they must be a real dumb ass to fight the police knowing they are not who the police are looking for unless they are deliberately fighting the police to provoke police to take protective measures to assure police safety to try and claim the racist card with intent to try and sue the police right from the incident. So now they allege the unproven rubbish they coin as systemic racism to try and steal 1.6 million from tax payers.

Systemic racism, unproven, slanted and unbacked claims:

The following quotes are from the University of British Columbia site and I am about to reveal how much rubbish I see here to do with this so called systemic racism rubbish.

"Systemic racism, also known as institutional racism, refers to the ways that whiteness and white superiority become embedded in the policies and processes of an institution, resulting in a system that advantages white people and disadvantages BIPOC/IBPOC, notably in employment, education, justice, and social participation."

Which is not anything more than a vacant un backed claim so let's look into this a little further.

"Systemic racism in Canada In a settler colonial state like Canada, systemic racism is deeply rooted in every system of this country. This means the systems put in place were designed to benefit white colonists while disadvantaging the Indigenous populations who had lived here prior to colonialism. This power dynamic continues to be upheld and reinforced in our society, extending its impact on new racialized citizens.

According to a 2016 report from Statistics Canada, both Black women and men were less likely to obtain post-secondary education compared to women and men in the rest of the population in Vancouver, with a difference of about 10%. And the unemployment rate for the Black population was approximately one and a half times higher than that for rest of the population. In terms of socioeconomic impact of COVID-19, around one-quarter of Indigenous people living in Canadian urban areas were in poverty, compared to 13% of non-Indigenous population in these areas."

OK first they leave out the part where First Nations people for example did not want to be a part of our governing system so they opted to chief themselves on reservations. They leave out the part where First Nations people living on reserves do not pay taxes for governing services which shoots down such rhetoric that they call systemic rascism. Instead they claim that tax payers not funding their demands when they are not paying taxes for governing services is discrimination against First Nations and when tax payers fund them, it is quite obviously the tax payers of Canada being discriminated against by being made to fund people not paying taxes who seem to think that not paying taxes for governing services entitles them to enslave Canadian tax payers to fund them while they live tax free on reserves when their ancestors chose reserves to chief themselves instead of participating in our governing system. It was their choice to live on reserves and not pay taxes and as a result do not deserve governing services until they do pay taxes like everyone else quite obviously. Tax payers funding them is not them chiefing themselves so they deserve to pay taxes like everyone else for governing services. Systemic racism my ass.

To do with the second paragraph, less likely doesn't amount to a hill of beans here and secondly employment rates and secondary education rates being lower with blacks than whites is not proof of so called systemic racism as well as one quarter of indigenous people living in Urban areas being in poverty as opposed to 13% of non indigenous being in poverty is not proof os systemic racism. If First Nations living on reserves not paying taxes for governing services claim the lie that this means they are being discriminated against then allot of First Nations people seem to think they deserve a free ride on tax payers backs which is an indication that First Nations people living in Canadian Urban areas likely feel the same way ... that they deserve Canadian tax payers to be their slaves paying their way!

There is no proof of systemic racism, I only see a bunch of vacant un backed claims in support of a globalist narrative to divide and conquer Canada as the Trudeau government aka globalist sock puppets eagerly throw money away while attempting to pain citizens as the bad guy and further in this instance white people without any valid justification.

Now back to religious rhetoric.

Islam, the religion of spite is not the only bad guy here of which I suspect the religion islam was created 1400 years ago because arabs were sick of being slaughtered by other religious imbeciles so they sought out to devise a plan to destroy all religions and slaughter all who opposed in return.

Did you hear the story of a religious seek having the diaper (turban) and concealed weapon (kirpan) slapped off of his head yesterday in Toronto as it is referred to as hate? The religious encourage what is called hate and thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions to this very day over factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies proves that they do not care that they encourage it, they just like to whine and act like victims when they are the cause.

Do you hear every time Jews whining antisemitism hate whenever people become infuriated with Jews?

Perhaps you hear those of other religions whining and complaining that they are victims of what they call hate meanwhile they ignore that factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies have already lead to thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day and as they ignore it they quite eagerly inspire what they call hate as they choose to stoop to being religious.

Oh sure you might hear the religious go on about how some non religious have engaged in war over the centuries but not one of these people have even one example of how not being religious is the cause of any war because not being religious is not the cause of any war but being religious is because lies lead to war and divide! Prince Harry approached me at a bar on Wentworth and Main st. in Hamilton just over 2 years ago on the outside patio as he arrived after last call so he tried to get my full beer but I was there to try and drink enough so I could sleep so I wouldn't give up the beer to him. He kept trying to get the beer and we had a discussion of which I shared with him the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies and that these lies lead to thousands of years of war and divide so he gave me the line that the non religious have slaughtered people and so I asked him for an example of how not being religious is the cause of any war and he had no answer. But that didn't stop him from trying to talk me out of the beer and kept me talking and distracted so I couldn't drink the beer until the waitress came and took it citing closing time. Yeah, real funny neither of us got the beer I paid for on such a low income. I also saw his wife Megan enter a buck store at a strip mall 5 minutes from the location around the same time (within days) and yeah she saw me and looked nervous but as you may have come to realize, I am not the type to get all excited etc. when I see celebrities etc. they are just people living their lives for the most part. Anyway ...

Even before what they call the holocaust, Jews were evicted from almost everywhere throughout Europe and in the middle East etc. including where they call Israel twice because their lies always lead to war and divide. But here they are acting like what they call the holocaust was anything new. I mean Germany was nice enough to offer them refuge from the muslims slaughtering them but when the Germans got fed up with them and tried to pass them off on other countries and no other country wanted Jews in such mass numbers (I think it obvious due to their history why no one else wanted them) so began the holocaust until if I recall the USA stepped up and gave them back what they call Israel where they are right back at war with the muslims again. Somehow the USA would up on the hook giving them billions over and over again over the years and what did the USA ever get back for it is what I wonder ... USA = Jewish slaves?! Funny enough all of the countries that refused to take them are now under attack by the globalist divide and conquer narrative on a much larger scale than the holocaust.

The anti-semitism scam:

OK I'll explain this in a nut shell, I probably could come up with a better example but this is just to give you an idea of what the jews do with this anti-semitism rhetoric.

Lets say for example an island of people rely heavily on fishing and so fishermen are highly valued. Let's say a boat load of people ( let's say the boat load represent jews) come across the paradise island and figure out that the fishermen are highly valued so the manipulate, bribe, and perhaps even kill some fishermen to take their jobs so that the island values the boat load of people now known as the fishermen.

One of the boat load of people (new arrivals) steals from the people of the island and when someone points the finger at the boat person arrival all of the boat load of people ban together and incite anti-fisherman as the issue while threatening to cut the island off from fishing. One person says what does you being a fisherman have to do with you stealing from us and the response is I am a fisherman. Another of the boat load of people goes around raping the islands women and the people become infuriated and go to get justice and are met with the boat load of new arrivals claiming anti fisherman. One of the island inhabitants asks what does being a fisherman have to do with raping women and the response is I am a fisherman as they threaten to cut the island off of fish for being anti-fishermen. One of the new arrivals from the boat load of people goes around killing island inhabitants and the island inhabitants become infuriated and go to get the murderer only to be met with the fishermen claiming anti-fishermen and so on and so on.

Antisemitism is such a cheap and pathetic scam to try and control you and make you out to be the bad guy while they use it to get away with their filthy religious practice which obviously pisses people off and it really is quite pathetic that they get away with such rhetoric especially when filthy religious lies have already lead to thousands of years of war and divide.

I am anti every religion because unlike the religious, I happen to value human life more than I value factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies which have already lead thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day. If you are religious of any religion you should be ashamed of yourself. Religion is the scum of the Earth and everyone's enemy.

OK once again I am going to conclude this composition with this extremely educational video which reveals the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies titled: There is no such thing as an islamaphobe yet officials lie to you like garbage


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!
Last edited:
Media Hides 8 Girls Alleged To Stab Man In Toronto All Muslim?! + Systemic Racism Rhetoric

Whenever a Canadian non muslim citizen allegedly attacks a muslim the media is right there mentioning that the so called victim is a muslim while at the same time they always try to promote the islamaphobia lie and yet every time that a muslim attacks a non muslim Canadian they hide that it is a muslim who did the assault or murder.

Over the years in recent years I noticed that when the main stream media reported an incident where a muslim attacked a non muslim here in Canada the media would not give you such details as it was a muslim committing the crime but I also found on social media sites that citizens were sharing proof that it was a muslim committing the violent crime and again the main stream media would keep silent about such very important information which tells me that the Canadian government suppressing the main stream media do it because they want Canadians to be clueless while they subject the citizens of Canada to a very real danger transpiring right here in Canada right under our noses.

So every time that the globalist sock puppet main stream media leaves out details about attackers such as the 8 girls allegedly stabbing a man in Toronto to death recently (also apparently attacked people throughout Toronto that night) that it is safe to assume that these are muslims every single time. Every time such happens and they leave out the information, it is safe to assume it was a muslim attacking a non muslkim because they are deliberately hiding that information while instead forcing the lie islamaphobe upon the Canadian public. Canadian citizen and you have every right to assume such. I'm not looking for the names of the girls, all I seek is confirmation that they are all muslims committing violent hate crimes against non muslim Canadian citizens of which again the main stream media stabs Canadians in the back to suit the globalist narrative by keeping the primary information from the public while they load the country with more muslims thus deliberately keeping the citizens of Canada as sheep while the violence against non muslims continues as it has for years now.

There is also a recent story of a so called student muslim in Mississauga being attacked by another student being painted as a potential hate crime while also spewing the islamaphobia lie.

Oh yes when it is a non muslim Canadian attacking a muslim the main stream media eagerly gives out that information to suit the globalist divide and conquer narrative as the Trudeau sock puppet government loads the country with more muslims illegally and otherwise. I'll get back to this topic of religion but first let's move on to this systemic racism rhetoric.

Also there is something they are trying to pass off on the public to also suit the globalist divide and conquer narrative of what they are now coining as systemic racism.

Perhaps you heard of the story of a black student in Toronto who 2 female and one male police officers pursued. Police claimed that the student resembled a criminal that they were trying to catch to get off of the street and apparently there is a video of the incident I have not seen but let's look at what transpired without even needing to see the video. OK let's think, first how many criminals when caught claim that they are someone else to try and get away and how many of them try and fight to get away? I am confident many criminals have tried one, the other or both when police need to verify who they caught is actually who they are looking for to arrest. So when a non criminal is looking like a criminal that police are attempting to catch, of course police are going to need to verify that the non criminal is who they say they are before letting them go. If the student co operated with the police and gave identification so police could verify that they are who they say they are and let them go or waited for verification without identification so the police could let them go unless the person is not co operating with police to get the verification. I find it obvious that this student did not co operate, likely argued and struggled with police instead of co operating knowing that he himself is not the criminal that they are looking for so he got tackled and tasered for fighting back and arguing instead of co operating. If police are thinking this is a criminal that they seek and the person fights them instead of co operates so police can verify who they are then it is justified as I see it for police to do what they did to prevent them from becoming victims by putting the student on the ground and tasering him to subdue a potential criminal that the police were actually looking for while trying to keep themselves from placing themselves in harms way. I am confident criminals fight all of the time but if a person is innocent they must be a real dumb ass to fight the police knowing they are not who the police are looking for unless they are deliberately fighting the police to provoke police to take protective measures to assure police safety to try and claim the racist card with intent to try and sue the police right from the incident. So now they allege the unproven rubbish they coin as systemic racism to try and steal 1.6 million from tax payers.

Systemic racism, unproven, slanted and unbacked claims:

The following quotes are from the University of British Columbia site and I am about to reveal how much rubbish I see here to do with this so called systemic racism rubbish.

"Systemic racism, also known as institutional racism, refers to the ways that whiteness and white superiority become embedded in the policies and processes of an institution, resulting in a system that advantages white people and disadvantages BIPOC/IBPOC, notably in employment, education, justice, and social participation."

Which is not anything more than a vacant un backed claim so let's look into this a little further.

"Systemic racism in Canada In a settler colonial state like Canada, systemic racism is deeply rooted in every system of this country. This means the systems put in place were designed to benefit white colonists while disadvantaging the Indigenous populations who had lived here prior to colonialism. This power dynamic continues to be upheld and reinforced in our society, extending its impact on new racialized citizens.

According to a 2016 report from Statistics Canada, both Black women and men were less likely to obtain post-secondary education compared to women and men in the rest of the population in Vancouver, with a difference of about 10%. And the unemployment rate for the Black population was approximately one and a half times higher than that for rest of the population. In terms of socioeconomic impact of COVID-19, around one-quarter of Indigenous people living in Canadian urban areas were in poverty, compared to 13% of non-Indigenous population in these areas."

OK first they leave out the part where First Nations people for example did not want to be a part of our governing system so they opted to chief themselves on reservations. They leave out the part where First Nations people living on reserves do not pay taxes for governing services which shoots down such rhetoric that they call systemic rascism. Instead they claim that tax payers not funding their demands when they are not paying taxes for governing services is discrimination against First Nations and when tax payers fund them, it is quite obviously the tax payers of Canada being discriminated against by being made to fund people not paying taxes who seem to think that not paying taxes for governing services entitles them to enslave Canadian tax payers to fund them while they live tax free on reserves when their ancestors chose reserves to chief themselves instead of participating in our governing system. It was their choice to live on reserves and not pay taxes and as a result do not deserve governing services until they do pay taxes like everyone else quite obviously. Tax payers funding them is not them chiefing themselves so they deserve to pay taxes like everyone else for governing services. Systemic racism my ass.

To do with the second paragraph, less likely doesn't amount to a hill of beans here and secondly employment rates and secondary education rates being lower with blacks than whites is not proof of so called systemic racism as well as one quarter of indigenous people living in Urban areas being in poverty as opposed to 13% of non indigenous being in poverty is not proof os systemic racism. If First Nations living on reserves not paying taxes for governing services claim the lie that this means they are being discriminated against then allot of First Nations people seem to think they deserve a free ride on tax payers backs which is an indication that First Nations people living in Canadian Urban areas likely feel the same way ... that they deserve Canadian tax payers to be their slaves paying their way!

There is no proof of systemic racism, I only see a bunch of vacant un backed claims in support of a globalist narrative to divide and conquer Canada as the Trudeau government aka globalist sock puppets eagerly throw money away while attempting to pain citizens as the bad guy and further in this instance white people without any valid justification.

Now back to religious rhetoric.

Islam, the religion of spite is not the only bad guy here of which I suspect the religion islam was created 1400 years ago because arabs were sick of being slaughtered by other religious imbeciles so they sought out to devise a plan to destroy all religions and slaughter all who opposed in return.

Did you hear the story of a religious seek having the diaper (turban) and concealed weapon (kirpan) slapped off of his head yesterday in Toronto as it is referred to as hate? The religious encourage what is called hate and thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death of millions if not billions to this very day over factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies proves that they do not care that they encourage it, they just like to whine and act like victims when they are the cause.

Do you hear every time Jews whining antisemitism hate whenever people become infuriated with Jews?

Perhaps you hear those of other religions whining and complaining that they are victims of what they call hate meanwhile they ignore that factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies have already lead to thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day and as they ignore it they quite eagerly inspire what they call hate as they choose to stoop to being religious.

Oh sure you might hear the religious go on about how some non religious have engaged in war over the centuries but not one of these people have even one example of how not being religious is the cause of any war because not being religious is not the cause of any war but being religious is because lies lead to war and divide! Prince Harry approached me at a bar on Wentworth and Main st. in Hamilton just over 2 years ago on the outside patio as he arrived after last call so he tried to get my full beer but I was there to try and drink enough so I could sleep so I wouldn't give up the beer to him. He kept trying to get the beer and we had a discussion of which I shared with him the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies and that these lies lead to thousands of years of war and divide so he gave me the line that the non religious have slaughtered people and so I asked him for an example of how not being religious is the cause of any war and he had no answer. But that didn't stop him from trying to talk me out of the beer and kept me talking and distracted so I couldn't drink the beer until the waitress came and took it citing closing time. Yeah, real funny neither of us got the beer I paid for on such a low income. I also saw his wife Megan enter a buck store at a strip mall 5 minutes from the location around the same time (within days) and yeah she saw me and looked nervous but as you may have come to realize, I am not the type to get all excited etc. when I see celebrities etc. they are just people living their lives for the most part. Anyway ...

Even before what they call the holocaust, Jews were evicted from almost everywhere throughout Europe and in the middle East etc. including where they call Israel twice because their lies always lead to war and divide. But here they are acting like what they call the holocaust was anything new. I mean Germany was nice enough to offer them refuge from the muslims slaughtering them but when the Germans got fed up with them and tried to pass them off on other countries and no other country wanted Jews in such mass numbers (I think it obvious due to their history why no one else wanted them) so began the holocaust until if I recall the USA stepped up and gave them back what they call Israel where they are right back at war with the muslims again. Somehow the USA would up on the hook giving them billions over and over again over the years and what did the USA ever get back for it is what I wonder ... USA = Jewish slaves?! Funny enough all of the countries that refused to take them are now under attack by the globalist divide and conquer narrative on a much larger scale than the holocaust.

The anti-semitism scam:

OK I'll explain this in a nut shell, I probably could come up with a better example but this is just to give you an idea of what the jews do with this anti-semitism rhetoric.

Lets say for example an island of people rely heavily on fishing and so fishermen are highly valued. Let's say a boat load of people ( let's say the boat load represent jews) come across the paradise island and figure out that the fishermen are highly valued so the manipulate, bribe, and perhaps even kill some fishermen to take their jobs so that the island values the boat load of people now known as the fishermen.

One of the boat load of people (new arrivals) steals from the people of the island and when someone points the finger at the boat person arrival all of the boat load of people ban together and incite anti-fisherman as the issue while threatening to cut the island off from fishing. One person says what does you being a fisherman have to do with you stealing from us and the response is I am a fisherman. Another of the boat load of people goes around raping the islands women and the people become infuriated and go to get justice and are met with the boat load of new arrivals claiming anti fisherman. One of the island inhabitants asks what does being a fisherman have to do with raping women and the response is I am a fisherman as they threaten to cut the island off of fish for being anti-fishermen. One of the new arrivals from the boat load of people goes around killing island inhabitants and the island inhabitants become infuriated and go to get the murderer only to be met with the fishermen claiming anti-fishermen and so on and so on.

Antisemitism is such a cheap and pathetic scam to try and control you and make you out to be the bad guy while they use it to get away with their filthy religious practice which obviously pisses people off and it really is quite pathetic that they get away with such rhetoric especially when filthy religious lies have already lead to thousands of years of war and divide.

I am anti every religion because unlike the religious, I happen to value human life more than I value factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies which have already lead thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day. If you are religious of any religion you should be ashamed of yourself. Religion is the scum of the Earth and everyone's enemy.

OK once again I am going to conclude this composition with this extremely educational video which reveals the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies titled: There is no such thing as an islamaphobe yet officials lie to you like garbage


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!

Sick puppy
Is Pretch a Text sock? They both start off by saying the news is hiding something that they are not hiding.

Oh right, muslims would never attack anyone (tempted to laugh but such is not funny) even though many on social media platform shared what the main stream was hiding until they were banned for exposing what the WEF imbeciles try to hide or implying that the media isn't controlled by WEF narratives who bought up all of the main stream along with their sock puppets from country to country dictating to main stream they can't share information with the public that exposes their WEF lies, deceptions and sick narratives only reveals you are a WEF sock puppet as well attempting to keep the people as sheep.
Is Pretch a Text sock? They both start off by saying the news is hiding something that they are not hiding.

No, he's exactly who it says. You can Google the name and find a whole bunch of crackpottery under the same name.