Media Mogul Michael Bloomberg Ain’t Charles Foster Kane


Verified User

Fictional Kane claimed he was looking out for the common man. Flesh and blood Bloomberg champions gun control and environmental whackoism.

And if money is not about buying elections why does every wannabe with empty-pockets spend so much time shaking down suckers for campaign donations?

“We do not believe that billionaires have the right to buy elections,” Sanders said in a Twitter post on Sunday. “That is why multi-billionaires like Michael Bloomberg are not going to get very far in this election.”

Media mogul Bloomberg enters U.S. presidential race, takes aim at Trump
Linda So, John Whitesides
November 24, 2019 / 10:17 AM / 4 days ago

Somebody should tell the dirty old Commie:

1. BILLIONAIRE Trump won the election even though:

Trump spent about half of what Clinton did on his way to the presidency
Published Wed, Nov 9 20169:45 AM EST
Updated Wed, Nov 9 201612:21 PM EST

2. Every television network and most newspapers campaigned for Hillary Clinton.
Rubes voted for the famous name

To Never forget Christchurch: Is that the same thing as fawning over famous Hollywood freaks?

I, a Socialist, think we should strive toward a Socialist society, all the way to Communism.

"If you understood what Communism was, you would hope, you would pray on your knees that one day we would become Communist." (speaking to students at the University of Michigan in 1970)

Those beliefs coming from an average American give new meaning to stupidity. Coming from a mind diseased by a lifetime of Hollywood politics is a testament to gullibility.

Parenthetically, I always thought Ziggy Freud would have had a field day inside Jane Fonda’s head because she was never quite sure who her father was; Henry or Tom Joad.

Look no further if you want to know whatever happened to Baby Jane:

Jane Fonda Leads Black Friday Climate Change Protest, Targets Farmers and Cattle Ranchers
by David Ng
29 Nov 2019
Look no further if you want to know whatever happened to Baby Jane:
Jane Fonda Leads Black Friday Climate Change Protest, . . .

Democrats are going bananas trying to oust President Trump. The Parasite Class’ greatest fear in a second term for The Donald is losing trillions of tax dollars in the coming decades not to mention losing millions of tax dollar jobs. Trump pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement isolated environmental parasites from the rest of the U.N.’s global agenda:

"Taking action to protect our planet is a public health decision for clean air and clean water for our children, an economic decision for creating the green, good-paying jobs of the future, a national security decision to address resource competition and climate migration and also a moral decision to be good stewards of God's creation and pass a sustainable, healthy planet to the next generation," she said. "On behalf of the U.S. Congress, I am proud to travel to COP25 to reaffirm the commitment of the American people to combating the climate crisis."

Pelosi to lead delegation to climate summit amid U.S. withdrawal from Paris climate deal
By Grace Segers
November 30, 2019 / 10:05 AM / CBS News

NOTE: Diarrhea Mouth is talking about creating more environment parasite jobs than Obamacare created:

Withdrawing from the Paris Agreement forced climate change parasites to consolidate their efforts. Not even repealing the Affordable Care Act is more costly to parasites across the board than is losing the billions alternative energy scams bring in every year.

I have one observation to make in this informative article. SCARE TACTIC is more accurate than doublespeak phrases:

Anxiety about global warming is skyrocketing in the Western world to the point one psychiatrist says, "I believe that everyone now has some climate anxiety." It's no wonder. Western leaders stoke the fires. On November 28, 2019, the European parliament declared a global climate emergency. Its members were responding in part to a children's crusade to save the planet. In March 2019, millions of children in over 120 countries skipped school to embark on what has become a series of "climate strikes." Young speakers raised alarming scenarios like what would happen when people without food and water "sought sanctuary and were faced with cages and guns instead."

"Climate crisis" and "climate emergency" are replacing the neutral-sounding "climate change." Then there's the threatening "extreme weather," which has become a major focus as warming has stalled over the last two decades. Climate alarmists blame rising, man-made CO2 emissions for supposedly ever more frequent and intense hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic activity, drought, flooding, and snowstorms. (Never mind that twenty years ago, David Viner, a senior research scientist of the climatic research unit of the University of East Anglia, predicted that "children just aren't going to know what snow is.")

Tony Heller, a contributor to, made a video showing news clips of "extreme weather" from the 1930s, when carbon dioxide levels were low. He narrated: "It was by far the hottest decade on record in the United States. The deadliest flooding in human history occurred in China in the 1930s[.] ... The worst droughts in U.S. history also occurred in the 1930s. Eighty percent of the U.S. was in drought during July 85 years ago. The heat and drought led to massive dust storms. The U.S. also had some of its worst flooding on record during the 1930s. ... The most intense hurricane in modern U.S. history occurred in 1935[.] ... Climatologists simply omit the 1930s from their graphs."

While the fear of global warming, which propels so many to engage in protests, is real enough, the motives of climate alarmist leaders, by their own account, are mixed. A spokesperson for the climate change activist organization Extinction Rebellion (XR) said the group makes unsubstantiated predictions of billions of deaths within just a few years because "alarmist language works." In 1988, the former Canadian minister of the environment told editors and reporters of the Calgary Herald: "No matter if the science of global warming is all phony ... climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world." Ottmar Edenhofer, co-chair of the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group from 2008 to 2015, explained, "One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy." The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)'s latest report calls for governments around the world to take over finance, restructure entire economies, and undertake massive international wealth transfers to equalize incomes around the world. The U.N. is considering taxing financial transactions, international air travel, and fossil fuels to redistribute the wealth. Even Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's former chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, admitted that the motivation behind introducing her vaunted Green New Deal is to overhaul the "entire economy."

For politicians, a motivation to jump on the climate alarm bandwagon is that it wins votes. Prime Minister Trudeau's campaign for a carbon tax helped him win the 2019 election. According to the National Post, the Canadian voting public overwhelmingly supported parties that supported the carbon tax, leading CBC News to declare Canada's carbon tax "the big election winner" and "the only landslide victor" in this election.

Similarly, climate alarmism is helping Democrats win elections in the United States. The Green New Deal was one of the main campaign issues of Democrats in Virginia, helping them to flip both House and Senate to Democrat control. Elissa Slotkin of Michigan attacked her Republican opponent for questioning the scientific consensus on climate change — and is now a Michigan congresswoman. While one might expect that Republicans would follow in Trump's footsteps and declare climate alarmism a hoax, unfortunately, too many Republicans, surveying the political landscape, are starting to join the alarmism bandwagon. Florida congressman Francis Rooney, citing recent polling, said, "Seventy-one percent of the people in my district say that climate change is real." And he has written: "Among millennials, 81 percent believe the planet is warming. If we don't change our party's position soon, our voters will punish us." Along with Democrat Dan Lipinksi of Illinois, Rooney introduced a bill to set a price on carbon emissions. Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida has advanced a "Green Real Deal" to compete with the Democrats' Green New Deal, with the idea of appealing to young people eager for action on climate change. Douglas Heye, a former communications director at the Republican National Committee, complains: "We're definitely sending a message to younger voters that we don't care about things that are very important to them. This spells certain doom in the long term if there isn't a plan to admit reality and have legislative prescriptions for it."

These Republicans are making a huge mistake. Joining the global warming bandwagon is a losing strategy because Republicans can't out-extreme the Democrats. Joining the alarmist bandwagon only lends credibility to an issue that is helping Democrats. What Republicans should be doing is opposing Democrat climate alarmism with alarm over the economic impact of the trillions the Democrats plan to spend on influencing the climate and the negligible effect that will have on global temperature. Republicans need to raise alarm over what vast solar and wind farms are doing to the environment. Republicans need to accuse Democrats of creating panic to win elections. Republicans need to expose Democrat declarations of scientific consensus for their doomsday scenarios as false propaganda spread by a reckless media eager to sell sensational stories.

The data are overwhelming that implementing the proposals of climate alarmists — i.e., drastically cutting down or eliminating fossil fuels — will devastate Western economies. According to a recent report by the conservative American Action Forum, the Green New Deal will cost up to $93 trillion. Canada has instituted policies that severely constricted the ability of Western Canada to market its oil and gas. Eric Denhoff, a former deputy minister of Alberta wrote: "With more than 150,000 unemployed in a persistent, unbelievably long-running recession, Alberta has faced thousands of bankruptcies, a huge increase in suicides, and a tremendous loss of long-term capital investment that scares the bejesus out of the business community." Kevin O'Leary, founder of the O'Leary financial group, said Alberta and the West "don't have their engine of growth anymore" because "Trudeau hates energy." Canada, he notes, has been the the poorest place of all the G7 countries to invest your money over the last four years. Says O'Leary: "I feel so sorry for my country."

The impact on individuals of dramatically driving up energy costs by mandating renewables in place of fossil fuels is dramatic. In December 2009, England passed the Climate Change Act, which mandated an 80-percent cut in six greenhouse gases by 2050. Rupert Darwall wrote: "By now, fuel poverty was to have been a thing of the past. Both the Labour and Coalition governments had a target to abolish it. Thanks to the CCA [Climate Change Act] and other anti-fossil-fuel policies, it lives on and is worsening." A research study found that in the past 5 years approximately 17,000 people died in England as a direct result of fuel poverty and a further 36,000 deaths are attributable to conditions relating to living in a cold home. Despite the rosy economic promises from opponents of fossil fuels, the U.K. economy has become one of the worst performing economies in the world.

Climate alarmists say the cost of not implementing the Green New Deals give us no choice but to implement it. Yet using a model developed primarily with funding from the Environmental Protection Agency, climatologists estimate that eliminating all of the U.S. CO2 emissions would lower global temperatures a mere 0.11 degrees Celsius by the year 2100.

Implementing the measures proposed by climate alarmists poses other costs as well. Republicans can paint doomsday scenarios with far more genuine science to support them than those of their opponents. A study by the Carnegie Institution for Science and Stanford University showed that a solar plant that would reduce California emissions by 80% would require a land area the size of South Carolina. Oxygen-producing plants and the wildlife they support would lose their habitats. The wings of birds that fly over those areas would melt. In addition, the heat generated by solar mirrors contributes to global warming. Fabrication of solar panels produces tons of toxic waste and carcinogens. The Republican ideals of economic well being and free markets are at direct odds with the agenda of the climate alarmists. The Republicans can't out-promise the Democrats on destroying the energy industry and hold on to conservative principles at the same time.

Republicans have truth on their side. Instead of retreating and caving in to climate alarmism, conservatives have to go on offense and attack the Left for advocating economically disastrous policies that are far more likely to hurt the environment than to help.​

December 1, 2019
Republicans Will Live to Regret Joining Climate Alarmists
By Gamaliel Isaac

Finally, a known traitor, a pervert, and wealthy Hollywood parasites are crawling out from under their rocks to promote global warming fraud:


John Kerry Recruits Bill Clinton, Leonardo DiCaprio for New Climate Coalition
by Joshua Caplan
30 Nov 2019
Pelosi to lead delegation to climate summit amid U.S. withdrawal from Paris climate deal​

President Trump withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement did not stop Pelosi from trying Paris one more time —— once:

I have to give John Kerry a lot of credit for signing up so many parasite heavy hitters. A partial list in Monica Showalter’s piece is impressive even though not one television mouth is cited. I assume Kerry wisely decided not to recruit any of the big names in global warming’s sales force.

Welp. Looks like having just one Davos, that unholy celebrity-business-politico festival of globaloney held in elite Switzerland, isn't enough.

John Kerry is creating what sounds like another, a cavalcade of the usual big names of has-beens and never-brains for the purpose of lecturing all us pudknockers about global warming, jetting in and out on plumes of carbon compounds. He calls it "World War Zero" because we're supposed to be panicking, and thus, giving up our tremendous freedoms and way of life to ... them, probably so they can make money.

Here's the New York Times piece:

WASHINGTON — John Kerry, the former senator and secretary of state, has formed a new bipartisan coalition of world leaders, military brass and Hollywood celebrities to push for public action to combat climate change.

The name, World War Zero, is supposed to evoke both the national security threat posed by the earth’s warming and the type of wartime mobilization that Mr. Kerry argued would be needed to stop the rise in carbon emissions before 2050. The star-studded group is supposed to win over those skeptical of the policies that would be needed to accomplish that.

Former presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter are part of the effort. Moderate Republican lawmakers like Arnold Schwarzenegger, the former governor of California, and John Kasich, the former governor of Ohio, are on the list. Stars like Leonardo DiCaprio, Sting and Ashton Kutcher round out the roster of more than 60 founding members. Their goal is to hold more than 10 million “climate conversations” in the coming year with Americans across the political spectrum.

With a starting budget of $500,000, Mr. Kerry said, he and other coalition members intend to hold town meetings across the country starting in January. Members will head to battleground states key to the 2020 election, but also to military bases where climate discussions are rare and to economically depressed areas that members say could benefit from clean energy jobs.

Townhalls? Who'd volunteer to listen to this nonsense unless they were already in the tank for this kind of nonsense anyway? Especially from these people? Leonardo DiCaprio? Sting? Is Alyssa Milano going to join the cavalcade, too? The Times didn't say.

A gander at their site doesn't want to tell us much about the line-up, either. We see Cindy McCain and Madeleine Albright and Meg Whitman on their front page slick website.

A trip to World War Zero's Instagram pages notes a meager list of those followed to just 15 specially chosen ones, including Ted "blackface" Danson, Richard Branson, Susan Rice and a bunch of B-list celebs I've never heard of. They're probably Club of 60 members, too. In any case, same old tired Davos crowd in this "unlikely allies" coalition, plus additional Hollywood morons. 'Unlikely' is laughable, these guys are 'most likely.'

A trip to their Twitter shows them following 21 politicos and celebs -- Kerry, Schwarzenegger, DiCaprio, Kasich, Kutcher, Hillary Clinton (expect her to show up at some of these if there's money involved), Bill Clinton (gotta get his snoot in, too), Stanley McChrystal, McCain, Danson, Branson, Rice and some no-names. Most of those guys are probably founding members, too.

A trip to the Facebook page doesn't tell anything, other than the group is listed as a political organization, partnered with something called the American Security Project, so lucky us, they're going to get very political with their pieties. And who is the American Security Project? A bunch of pious nevertrump beltway swamp things, in a think tank led by Gary Hart, with Meg Whitman again, Chuck Hagel, John Kerry again, and some annoying no-names onboard.

Who the heck wants to listen to a lecture about going without electricity, meat or air travel from the likes of rich beer heiress Cindy McCain?

The whole thing is nonsense, They aren't going to convert anyone with their town halls but they will probably position themselves like the Swedish interests backing young Greta Thunberg (whom they feature but don't follow on their social media pages) to make money off political action and grandstanding. They do say they want to organize lots of Greta-style protests. Young Greta's backers, as I noted here, are green energy barons intent on getting legislation passed so that people will be forced to buy their products and they can make a killing. They're doing it on the Al Gore model of buckmaking, and Kerry's guys likely are too.

Anyplace you see a Clinton name, after all, you know there's a money trough somewhere around.

John Kerry comes up with a politico-celebrity cavalcade to lecture us on global warming
By Monica Showalter
December 1, 2019
NOTE: Diarrhea Mouth is talking about creating more environment parasite jobs than Obamacare created:

The pain in Spain is plain:

The members of the taxpayer-funded Pelosi Democrat delegation include:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
Chairman Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Committee on Energy and Commerce
Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX), Committee on Science, Space, Technology
Chairman Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), Committee on Natural Resources
Chairwoman Kathy Castor (D-FL), Select Committee on the Climate Crisis
Congresswoman Betty McCollum (D-MN)
Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR)
Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA)
Congressman Jared Huffman (D-CA)
Congressman Scott Peters (D-CA)
Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI)
Congressman Mike Levin (D-CA)
Congressman Sean Casten (D-IL)
Congressman Joe Neguse (D-CO)

COP25 will also consider implementing taxes on developed countries to transfer wealth to nations dealing with “the cost of drought, floods and superstorms made worse by rising temperatures,” as Breitbart News reported.

Pelosi’s team claims it will will seek to “reaffirm the commitment of the American people to combating the climate crisis” at the 2019 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, also called COP25, her office said on Saturday confirming the trip.

This is despite the fact the Speaker of the House will represent nobody but herself and her party as she is prevented by law from conducting foreign policy or make any agreements with foreign leaders regarding sovereign treaties.

Pelosi Flying out with Democrats to U.N. Climate Meeting in Spain

The little pain will take over for the big pain:

Thunberg said she will spend a few days in Lisbon before heading for Madrid, where the United Nations COP25 climate summit is already underway.

Greta Thunberg Warns that People Underestimate ‘the Force of Angry Kids’
by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.
3 Dec 2019
Withdrawing from the Paris Agreement forced climate change parasites to consolidate their efforts. Not even repealing the Affordable Care Act is more costly to parasites across the board than is losing the billions alternative energy scams bring in every year.

Pass the “American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2019” is the only way to stop United Nations Climate Conferences:

Nevertheless, this article gets a big attaboy:

Has there ever been a bigger assembly of scolds and nattering nabobs of nonsense than those gathered at the United Nations Conference Of The Parties 25 this week in Madrid? Spare us another of these hootenannies of insufferable elitism.

Before the party even started, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres showed up in Spain to tell us “the point of no return is no longer over the horizon,” and “is in sight and hurtling toward us.”

How long have we been hearing this? Prince Charles has been predicting imminent doomsday for more than a decade, as has Al Gore. Before the conference began, Vice was trying to convince the world that “The Collapse of Civilization May Have Already Begun,” while Extinction Rebellion has been barking madly that “billions will die” and “life on Earth is dying” because of man’s use of fossil fuels.

Despite decades of warnings that the end “is in sight,” as the Competitive Enterprise Institute recently assured us, “none of the apocalyptic predictions” of environmental disaster “with due dates as of today have come true.”

As the conference’s nominal host, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez took up the cudgel because there can be no meeting of the climate clan without an othering of the “deniers.” “Luckily,” said Sánchez, “only a handful of fanatics deny the evidence.” What evidence would that be, Sr. Prime Minister?

Of course he can’t point to any evidence, because there is none.

A warming planet? Nothing in the record before 1979, when satellites began measuring thermal emissions in the atmosphere, is reliable. The satellite data show some warming, but nothing outside natural variations.

Receding glaciers and melting ice? “Polar ice sheets have not declined at all since NASA satellite instruments began precisely measuring them 35 years ago,” says James Taylor, who has written extensively about climate over the years. Meanwhile, “the Antarctic Ice Sheet has been growing at a steady and substantial pace ever since NASA satellites first began measuring the Antarctic ice sheet in 1979.” So about those glaciers? The global retreat that the alarmists can’t stop talking about is not new. It began before the Civil War was fought, “at the end of the Little Ice Age.”

Increasing sea level? The oceans have been rising for 10,000 years. NASA says the rate of increase has been about 3.3 millimeters a year, not quite 0.13 of inch, for decades. Hardly cause for alarm.

More hurricanes? We repeat ourselves: “Global major hurricane frequency has been trending downward since 1980, while cyclone energy is roughly the same as it was in 1972.”

Growing wildfires? The media have been fixated on California’s fires, so let’s look there. And what do we find? Cal Fire, a government agency, has compiled data which show a steep drop-off in acres burned since 2008. The claim goes up in smoke.

It’s obvious the alarmists will say anything to further their agenda. Their evidence is nothing more than fevered imaginations and a perverted hope for catastrophe. But it must be evidence because they say it is.

Despite their assurances of having gained a superior knowledge, the alarmists cannot draw a straight line from the emissions of carbon dioxide from combusted fossil fuels to whatever it is they’re saying this week is a consequence of man-made global warming. If they could, they would have already done so. Instead, they rely on assumptions, a correlation of unreliable data, and incessant screeching.

By the way, did we mention that Sanchez is an open socialist? He’s member of the Spanish Workers’ Socialist Party, a fact that brings us around to the real agenda behind the global warming alarmists shock campaign: stepping on capitalism and seizing the world economy.

We’ve listed examples of the climate alarmists acknowledging their hidden agenda before, but just recently, we realized we missed one. More than 20 years ago, when global warming hysterics were beginning to rage, then Canadian Minister of the Environment Christine Stewart told the Calgary Herald that “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony … climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

The COP25 attendees, smug, insulting, and spectacularly dishonest, are not meeting to save us from ourselves. They’ll be there through Dec. 13 preening, posing, and hectoring, and scheming a path to political domination. Anyone who doubts they’re coming after the free economies of the West needs to ask themselves one question: Why are the proposed climate solutions exactly the same policies the political left would enact even without carbon dioxide playing the role of villain?

It’s not a coincidence. It’s a plan.
— Written by J. Frank Bullitt

The U.N. Is Holding Its 25th Climate Conference — Please Don’t Let There Be A 26th
B & I Editorial Board
December 6, 2019