Medicare for all Universal healthcare doesn't sound too extreme now, does it?


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Time for white america to get off the racist republican bandwagon and start realizing their exclusiveness is putting peoples lives in danger.

Time for white america to wake up and see how the republican party is putting profits over peoples lives during this pandemic. They are giving our tax payer supplies to corporations for the states to buy from the corporations.
They are using the racist states rights to pick and choose who they want to help.......which is mainly red racist states.
They are giving our tax dollars to corporations instead of the people.
They are leaving millions of undocumented workers without healthcare, money, food WHO ALSO PAY TAXES but aren't eligible for a stimulus check.
Again, 500 billion for business.....1,200 for the people

How can any american still vote republican after seeing how this administration has exposed it's true ideology?

And there's democrats who signed off on this BS.

This country is in shambles......not because of dump, but because of decades of REPUBLICAN POLITICS.
Time for white america to get off the racist republican bandwagon and start realizing their exclusiveness is putting peoples lives in danger.

Time for white america to wake up and see how the republican party is putting profits over peoples lives during this pandemic. They are giving our tax payer supplies to corporations for the states to buy from the corporations.
They are using the racist states rights to pick and choose who they want to help.......which is mainly red racist states.
They are giving our tax dollars to corporations instead of the people.
They are leaving millions of undocumented workers without healthcare, money, food WHO ALSO PAY TAXES but aren't eligible for a stimulus check.
Again, 500 billion for business.....1,200 for the people

How can any american still vote republican after seeing how this administration has exposed it's true ideology?

And there's democrats who signed off on this BS.

This country is in shambles......not because of dump, but because of decades of REPUBLICAN POLITICS.

Because tRUMP supporters are basically stupid. He knows it just like we do.
There are people on this board who are republicans but are too embarassed to admit it. They want people like biden to win the nomination so that the dem party doesn't go to far to the left......and by too far they mean no medical for all or universal healthcare, no free education, no free housing,.....those 3 issues alone

They also support law enforcement, the wealthy, and big business.

The only thing they may be liberal on is social security, because they may need it and gay marriage because they probably have gay family and friends.

these people still believe in republicans and their politics. They think a "real republican" will somehow be different than dump.

they still support the same racist right wing policies as his supporters.
They have much less (or no) debt than the federal government and they will be getting billions in the CARES bill.

Not according to republicans. The states are going broke because of illegal immigration and pensions........or did you think we forgot about that lie?

corporations got billions in the CARES bill from tax payers.........why are they selling ventilators?
Not according to republicans. The states are going broke because of illegal immigration and pensions........or did you think we forgot about that lie?

corporations got billions in the CARES bill from tax payers.........why are they selling ventilators?

To keep the workers employed?

All the money comes from taxpayers, what difference does it make if it comes from state or federal sources?
Isn't this double taxation? They were purchased with our tax dollars in the first place. Then your state has to use more of your tax dollars to buy them off the feds.

It's republican politics.

They profit off disasters. America is letting this fuck of man claim the stock pile dosnt belong to the states so he can send the stockpile to his favorite private business and they profit.........just like the prison system.

profit over people means power!

business has the power.
We have a right to refuse service to .......
Its a legal way for business to discriminate on who they serve

It's been this way since the civil war. White business owners......mainly white men didn't want to serve Blacks even though the slaves "freed". But they still got government handouts when business was slow. They burned down and terrorized Black businesses when they were doing well.

Look, I know white people don't want to accept that most laws on the books BENEFIT THEM and are derived from racism on the right.

this country is still profiting from racism, oppression and hatred.