Meet Benjamin Banneker, a Black Man Who Designed Washington DC And Invented The Clock


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It would be great if tRump and his team of worthless and uncivilized goons would take a peak at African American history that truly made America great, in particular, among contributions of other ethnic groups that made America great to which tRump, his criminal family, his team of disgusting degenerates and brainwashed cult following parasites can come no where near matching those accomplishments that also made global humanity great. All tRump and his league of uncivilized barbarians are good for is taking, stealing, killing, destroying and polluting everything, including the soul of humanity. Kids need to be taught that the U.S. part of the America's was not founded by a bunch of self entitled bigots who are not aware of all the facts associated with their own history but think they are entitled to rewrite history into a pile of fact free slop and expect humanity to run with that. Students need to be taught the entire facts of what made America great and the people who made it happen at restoring history back to its factual origins:

Like a lot of early inventors, Benjamin Banneker was primarily self-taught. The son of former slaves, Benjamin worked on the family tobacco farm and received some early education from a Quaker school. But most of his advanced knowledge came from reading, reading and more reading.
At 15 he took over the farm and invented an irrigation system to control water flow to the crops from nearby springs. As a result of Banneker’s innovation, the farm flourished – even during droughts.
But it was his clock invention that really propelled the reputation of Benjamin Banneker. Sometime in the early 1750s, Benjamin borrowed a pocket watch from a wealthy acquaintance, took the watch apart and studied its components."
What a load of bollocks, he didn't invent the clock ffs!!

you never know.......when my father was in his early 90s he called me all excited........he had been experimenting in the kitchen and he had discovered that it might be possible to generate electricity using a turbine powered by water and gravity. He wanted me to patent it.......