Meet the New Face of the Trump Resistance at Fox News


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" On Oct. 13, Chris Wallace, the host of “Fox News Sunday,” grilled Secretary of Defense Mark Esper about the administration’s response to the growing Ukraine scandal. That night, President Donald Trump jumped on Twitter and compared Wallace unfavorably to his late father."

"It’s a role guaranteed to attract fire. Trump has made it clear that he doesn’t appreciate it when his favorite TV channel exposes its viewers to unflattering news about him."

Oh Shitskie! What will Fox Parrots do NOW???
" On Oct. 13, Chris Wallace, the host of “Fox News Sunday,” grilled Secretary of Defense Mark Esper about the administration’s response to the growing Ukraine scandal. That night, President Donald Trump jumped on Twitter and compared Wallace unfavorably to his late father."

"It’s a role guaranteed to attract fire. Trump has made it clear that he doesn’t appreciate it when his favorite TV channel exposes its viewers to unflattering news about him."

Oh Shitskie! What will Fox Parrots do NOW???

So you will start watching Fox? :laugh:

Hardly anyone watches Chris Wallace. His father was a whiny lying lefty and it appears that Chris is following in his fathers lying footsteps.
Getting actual News ... could be a MAJOR PROBLEM!

The Ukrainian HOAX is anything BUT actual news much like the MUELLER HOAX was. It seems that the Democratic Party of the Jackass is so unhinged, they want to keep repeating the same lam stupid tactic over and over again until the lose the House once more.

If that happens, Pelosi will go down in history as the first Speaker who lost her role after ONE term, TWICE!
Fox News has to maintain some level of credibility, and it's getting harder and harder to justify condoning Trump's actions.
So you will start watching Fox? :laugh:

Hardly anyone watches Chris Wallace. His father was a whiny lying lefty and it appears that Chris is following in his fathers lying footsteps.

You may have to 'think' for yourself. (Please, make sure someone has a defibrillator near by) :laugh: