Megachurch Leader Charged With Perjury


Villified User
Megachurch Leader Charged With Perjury
Posted: 2008-01-15 06:31:37

ATLANTA (Jan. 15) - An 80-year-old leader of a suburban megachurch who is at the center of a sex scandal has been charged with lying under oath for saying he had sex outside marriage with only one other woman, court documents show.

Former church employee Mona Brewer is suing Paulk, his brother and the church on allegations that Paulk manipulated her into an affair from 1989 to 2003 by telling her it was her only path to salvation. In a 2006 deposition stemming from the lawsuit, the archbishop said under oath that the only woman he had ever had sex with outside of his marriage was Brewer.
But the results of a court-ordered paternity test revealed in October that Paulk is the biological father of his brother's son, D.E. Paulk, who is now head pastor at the church. As part of Brewer's lawsuit, eight women have given sworn depositions that they were coerced into sexual relationships with Earl Paulk.

Paulk and his brother, Don, have been hit with lawsuits from former members alleging they were coerced into sexual affairs, but this is the first time criminal charges have been filed against the archbishop.
"Former church employee Mona Brewer is suing Paulk, his brother and the church on allegations that Paulk manipulated her into an affair from 1989 to 2003 by telling her it was her only path to salvation."

Geez. Can you believe the gall and hypocrisy of some people??!!!

Reverend Huckabee 2008!


"Former church employee Mona Brewer is suing Paulk, his brother and the church on allegations that Paulk manipulated her into an affair from 1989 to 2003 by telling her it was her only path to salvation."

Geez. Can you believe the gall and hypocrisy of some people??!!!

Reverend Huckabee 2008!



Isn't it astounding Ted?
It was its own thread. It was the one with the title, "Who is going to Hell now?" or something very close...

right and for some reason it would not pop up when I hit todays posts.
I figured if it was gone I needed to post it again for entertainment value.
Ah... I was wondering if I had gone insane. I found it and bumped it BTW.

Me too I still have no idea why it would not show up for me. but i checked twice for naught or nice.

The first time I logged in this morning the todays post function listed bunches of I went out and back in and fot a couple of pages (correct), but could not find that post....

Need server access so I could grep for it.