APP - Memogate


Yup. We have another Gate to look at. This time Memogate.

So Comey was so confused by Trump saying that he hoped something would happen that he took the extraordinary act of writing up a memo

Yet Comey felt this was so significant he didn't turn it over to Congress.

He didn't turn it over to Bob Mueller

What does he do? He gives it to a private citizen who he directs to leak it to The NY Times after he is fired

He claims that he has no original copy. Now think about that. Why wouldn't he save the original copy of something so significant?

Why has no one seen this infamous meme yet? The NY Times never saw it. Congress has never seen it. Doesn't the American public deserve to see it?

A couple of scenarios are plausible

1) Comey never wrote the memo and it is all made up
2) Comey did write a memo but only AFTER he was fired in an attempt to damage Trump

It is clear to me why Trump fired Comey and justifiably so. On three occasions Comey told Trump he isn't under investigation. So Trump asked him to make it public which there was nothing unethical in doing so. Comey obviously refused. Trump knew that the lies of the investigation were hampering his agenda and he wanted to move forward. So Trump fired him and got the result he wanted which was Comey saying under oath that Trump was not under investigation.

Comey and Loretta Lynch need to be investigated.